9 months ago

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I continue on the ‘Children theme’: space, place, time, freedom to explore and be, discover themselves.
00.44 I want to introduce: FOOD, PLAY ENVIRONMENTS, MEDICINES, NATURAL HEALTH- for Children, for Families.
The quality of what we are intaking is poor and depreciating- but we are not remembering who and what we are:
1.30 you need very little space to give yourself more of what you need, if you let yourself get your fingers dirty in the soil. Growing food and Organic agriculture: how it is a game, a play for children, part of their natural development and discovery. Rather than the hypnotising, conditioning, sedentary-inducing dubious-content electronic devices.
2.40 Children are here to discover how their BODY and SELF works, not consume ready-made technology. We are disallowing them he most natural, basic rights of being a human, by giving them this tech.
3.06 Even in a city, you can afford your child connection- but you have to be out there with them. We have to take back the VALUE of this.
In the UK, getting the kit so that you stay warm while outside, or changing your time schedule in a hot climate for early or late in the day…
4.00 Playing with tech you get nano-tech and radiation. If you play in the soil you get fin motor sensory stimulus and soil microbes: balance, speed, prickly, safe, how things work, taste, feel. There are huge bodies of work on this (Stadt + Natural in Germany, much literature in german, some of the forest schools are in the right direction Anastasia Ringing Forests fo Cedar, From Duty to Joy…)
Interactive ‘cause’ and ‘effect’ in nature which yes, you get in video games however those empale sub worlds have been devised by cloud, control systems, not divine open-source NATURE.
4.30 In nature children have the freedom to make choice. In a computer, your child is taken along a certain pathway. Who built the paths? and For what purposes?
5.00 Pinecones, sand, mud, bits of wood, small creatures, all made by the earth and Prime Creator for free experimentation, free thought, expansion- and it’s even better if you can play with someone else.
5.24 Let’s take it a step further: supermarket food, is getting very expensive. And we need organic food to honour and correctly fuel our bodies. There is no question as to what we need to eat- the question is, how are we going to pay for the good stuff?
6.00 We need to learn to grow stuff again: window boxes, growing inside, with your children. AND learn how to take a tiny piece of land and cultivate it to grow food throughout the year. Done in excitement, this becomes a delight , not a chore. The process of discovery continues into cooking the food or preparing it into medicines or cosmetics.
7.00 Your children will be able to understand where things they consume come from. We are generally denying children experience and pleasure when we cut them out of the basic levels of existence, simply because we think we have not time for them. “Use it like a science lab- that you eat…”
7.44 Natural pharmaceuticals are the next level to this discovery: herbal teas, scents, tinctures, salves, compresses….knowing these plats, it was very rare that I ever had to give my own children medicines. Naturopathy, homoeopathy, kineseology, natural diets for healing- all of these are possible to do well yourself.
9.44 Food, remedies, enjoyment, all can be got yourself AND you know what frequency you are creating and consuming. A factory-made meal measures noting not e scale of vitality, compared to home grown homemade. You need less, when it is better…back tot he basic appreciation the love of nature andante love of our selves.
11.00 What will actually ‘push’ us into taking action is lack of money. We are trying to take back our power in every aspect of life.
11.50 I want to be showing you how to grow stuff…I am making a small video explaining my allottment, where I grow things. Even with being away for months in peak growing season, I am still reaping the rewards…
13.11 My training as a Landscape Architect allows me to share all of these wonderful basic principles with you…
14.00 We need to bring the elements fo nature into every single aspect of what we do, so that we rekindle our relationship of appreciation, love end true value: so that WE cannot be controlled again, and confined….the opposite of the fifteen minute city insanity of utter control.
14.30 I explain my research in children becoming stewards of themselves and nature. We are in this moment where all the knowledge I have ever garnered is deeply needed.
16.00 It’s not that hard to stop putting toxicity into our bodies, we just need a perspective change, some information and some encouragement. I want this to turn into a huge movement. Getting people back into the idea that THEY determine what is happening in their lives, not other outside forces.
16.30 Creating the NEW ARTS is the next area I will be looking at- interweaving the two, as these are mutually encouraging.
We don’t need the Khazarian Mafia running our cultural ingredients.
17.00 Let us start with the FOOD, as this will power everything else. FOOD-NATURE-GROWING, gets us away for the hypnotic technology and its dangerous radiation and manipulative content, which has held us unhealthily in its net.
17.5- It is not about acting in fear, it is about acting in choice of giving ourselves good things in life.
Please feel free to donate here via XRP to my wallet address


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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”

You can message me on this page http://www.inspirition.biz/energising-human-potential.html using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.

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