Alex Jones Right Again! - NEW COVID RESTRICTIONS IN NYC & CALIFORNIA! - It's Happening!

9 months ago

Josh Sigurdson reports on the latest covid restrictions and "guidelines" put in place in New York City as well as throughout California as Alex Jones is once again proven right following his bombshell whistleblower testimony from TSA and immigration.
Last month Alex Jones warned that there will be a return of covid restrictions starting in September and widespread in October into the end of the year. Within a few days of the TSA and immigration whistleblowers coming forward, the media propaganda machines begun pushing covid fear. This was followed by actual restrictions in many places including the return of masking in colleges, offices and major businesses.
Now, New York City and California are pushing new covid guidelines and telling people to wear masks once again.
People are also being told to stay inside and assume they're sick at all times even if they feel fine. This is the return of the insanity we've been resisting for years and while most will not fall for it this time, many will still comply.

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