The LGBT movement was aimed at the acceptance and legalization of pedophilia

9 months ago

The LGBT movement was aimed at the acceptance and legalization of pedophilia

The video gives a logical explanation of the LGBT background. We also note that one of the first attempts at legalization was made in the 1960s and 70s in Britain, where lobbyists proposed making pedophilia another type of sexual orientation. But then society was not ready, and propagandists (including those in the West) took detours.

❗️ The first step was a transgender agenda. Then came the legalization of same-sex marriage, then the adoption of children by homosexuals, then the introduction of LGBT classes with transgender people in public schools, then allowing children to change their sex and “friendship” ( with pedophiles.

🇬🇧 And in the same Britain, pedophiles today freely penetrate ( into the highest echelons of power, feeling absolutely safe. The Overton window worked.

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