Bear Rides Motorcycle And Waves To People

6 years ago

Occurred on July 13, 2017,/ Arkhangelsk, Russia

The circus arrived in Arkhangelsk with a 250-pound trained bear named Tim. He confidently climbs into the carriage and waves his paw on command. Tatiana, the " Area 29" circus administrator, said local bikers have supported and agreed to ride with Tim. The motorcycle driver Michael noted that it was his first time communicating with the bear, but that he is not afraid. " The main thing is not to let Tim climb behind the wheel!" Tatiana said that the event is compliant with the local police and city administration.

This has to be one of the cutest and most random videos on the internet! Who would have thought a big bear like that could even ride passenger on a motorcycle! That is amazing! This is one well-trained bear! This video is just so funny because of the sheer randomness of it! You do not want to miss this hilarious clip!

Isn't this bear just so adorable that you want to take it home with you? Bears do not make the best house pets so bringing it back would be out of the question, but you could always get an adorable animal plush from Amazon!

Despite thousands of years of contrary evidence, and at least one harrowing documentary, human beings still on some level want to view bears as big, cuddly, forest-dwelling dogs. We think that too! Oh, you want proof? Just check out this fantastic bear and his trip with the motorcycle around town. Cuteness overload!

Despite thousands of years of contrary proof, and at least one distress documentary, people still on some level want to view bears as big, cuddly, forest-dwelling dogs. So, can people have bears as pets?

We have all asked this question at least once in our life. Can a human have a friendship with a wild bear? The answer to that question is yes, and no.

A human being can raise a baby bear into a grown bear, teach him to behave, just like children and they will see them as a parent. But they will still have their wild instinct in them no matter where that bear was raised.

But, if you can devote a lot of time and life to raising a bear, it can happen to have a bear as a friend, a child as a pet. They can develop a bond with a human but they will always be wild animals, the same as lions and tigers, so these kinds of friendship very often don’t end well.

So we suggest that you befriend a dog or a cat. They may get a little noisy and hungry most of the time, but very rarely would you be in mortal danger. These guys are professionals and have a special affinity for dealing with a bear.

How do you feel about having a bear as pets or how would you react if you saw a bear on the road? Let us know down in the comment section some pros and cons about friendships with bears!

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