Speaker Kevin McCarthy: Covering up the REAL insurrection crimes - September 11, 2023

8 months ago

Nobody at all had died as a result of any #Trump supporter on #J6. The USCP officer #BrianSicknick died of natural causes the next day, but his death was politically attributed to the FBI instigated riot and he was given a show-memorial inside the Capital Building while being presented as January 6 hero who "held the line" to create a negative image of #PresidentTrump and his supporters. The parents rejected condolences by Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senator Mitch McConnell because all Republicans were being blamed for his death, and the RINO Republicans distanced themselves as far away from MAGA as possible, rather than exposing the truth of all the events of that day.

Deaths on January 6, 2021 during the protest and riot in relation to the Capital Building:

• Ashli Babbitt, 35, died by homicide from a gunshot to the left side of her neck (the DOJ report lied and said it was the shoulder). She was shot by USCP Lt. Michael Byrd.

• Kevin Greeson, 55, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease.

• Benjamin Phillips, 50, died of natural causes from cardiovascular disease.

• Roseanne Boyland, 34, died by being trampled and suffocated while trying to escape tear gas near the Westside tunnel entrance. The media reports "from acute amphetamine intoxication". While that may have been in her blood, there was no proof it was the cause of death. The media wanted to slander the victims.

During a press briefing when Speaker Kevin McCarthy was asked about the justification of Lt. Michael Byrd's actions that day, he coldly replied: "He was just doing his job." Note that McCarthy was also one of the first people to blame President Donald J. Trump for the riot that day before any evidence was ever produced.

These 5 deaths alone should warrant a much better examination of the facts that day, rather than just a political farce to blame President Trump and his supporters. But Speaker Kevin McCarthy doesn't want to open that big can of worms, because maybe he's one on those slimy worms in that can!

BELOW: All of the recent January 6 related posts:

Speaker Kevin McCarthy's J-6 Cover-Up?

Despite Chinese spies, FBI makes J-6 trespassers TOP PRIORITY | September 5, 2023

The U.S. Government rigged the 2020 election and started the January 6 Capital Riot

The peaceful Stop The Steal rally and Save America March was sabotaged by a Capital breach and riot, but by who and why?

The TRUTH about the 2020 Election Fraud and the Big Lie about the Capital Riot on #J6, 2021.

MTG breaks promise to release J-6 video, makes excuses as to why, but then blames the GOP, which is her main squeeze on Capital Hill, Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy, who IS the GOP!

All the J-6 related videos posted at Rumble

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