Symbolic Abstract Art Collection of Drawings and Paintings - Art Collection for Sale - 850-244-5465

8 months ago

https://artthatlivesattheedgeofchaos.... - Symbolic Abstract Art Collection of Drawings and Paintings - Original Art Collection for Sale

The Symbolic Abstract Art drawings presented here are from the set of 68 color pencil drawings of my Late Period creations. My art portfolio has five chronological periods of artwork: Very Early Period, Early Period, Intermediate Period, Recent Period, Late Period. This ordered set of periods demonstrate the evolution of my artistic capability.

In a world full of visible things to look at, there is a form of art that goes beyond what can be seen and invites you to explore the world of what can't be seen. Welcome to the fascinating world of my Symbolic Abstract Art Collection, which include color pencil drawings, pastel drawings, conte drawings and acrylic paintings that not only catch your eye but also make you feel something deep inside. If you like art and want to connect with deep feelings and untold stories, this is your chance to start a trip through art that will fascinate you.

The conte drawings and the acrylic paintings are only in the Early Period. None of the original Early Period artwork is extant, but the digital images still exist and are on my website. Also, I do have 35mm projector slides of all the Early Period artwork. To buy my Symbolic Abstract Art Collection means that you own all aspects of it.

Beyond The Individual Strokes: A Symphony of Symbols
Imagine standing in front of a color pencil drawing that is a patchwork of mysterious shapes and symbols. Every stroke an artist makes is done on purpose or instinctively and every mark is an element from their creative self. My Symbolic abstract art is a unique mix of beauty and meaning, with each line, color, and shape acting as a way to describe feelings that can't be said with words alone.

One Person's Trip:
My journey at the heart of every one of my drawings and paintings encompasses my experiences, thoughts, and ideas about the world. These drawings and paintings are not just still images, they are windows into the thoughts and feelings of the artist. My collection gives you a chance to get to know me, the artist, on a deep level as you encounter the layers of symbols and stories that lie at the heart of my various drawings and paintings.

A Reflection of Feelings:
Symbolic abstract art has an amazing ability to make people feel things that touch them deeply. As you look at the complex patterns and bright colors, you will feel a wide range of emotions, from calmness and introspection to passion and excitement. Through the artist's creations, this collection lets you look at your own emotional scenery.

Beyond the Everyday:
In a world where things are limited by what can be seen and touched, my symbolic abstract art tries to go further. It asks you to question rules, to look into things that can't be explained and to accept the uncertainty of life. This Symbolic Abstract Art Collection for sale gives you a new point of view and makes you think about the secrets that lie beneath the surface of everyday life.

The Finishing Touch:
Do you want to add a touch of the special to your inner space? My Symbolic Abstract Art drawings and paintings have the ability to encourage your analytical thinking mind and your feelings in an introspective manner in which curiosity and beauty are harmoniously blended . Whether one of my drawings or paintings is in a living room, an office, or a gallery, everyone who sees it will be curious about it and want to talk about it.

Getting Together Through Art:
Our world is becoming more and more digital, the desire for real connections has never been greater. Symbolic abstract art drawings helps people of different ages, countries and backgrounds connect with each other. It's a language that goes beyond words and brings people together through a shared experience of the beauty and intrigue of the invisible.

The Art You Leave Behind:
Owning my Symbolic Abstract Art Drawings Collection that is for sale, is more than just a purchase, it shows how you feel about symbolic abstract art. It's a promise to take care of your inner self and learn new things. As you look at each drawing or painting, you will start on a never ending trip of discovery and growth.

A Doorway To The Beautiful:
Symbolic abstract art shows that people can be creative in many different ways. It makes you want to get away from the noise of the world and dive into the mysterious. My collection of drawings and paintings isn't just about having art, it's also about embracing the inexplicable, connecting with the artist's spirit and going on a journey of self-discovery. So, if you're ready to look at things you haven't seen before and get to the heart of feelings and imagination through art, this collection is your key to the sublime.

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