Super glue in eye: Florida woman nearly blinded after accidentally gluing her eye shut - TomoNews

8 months ago

LANTANA, FLORIDA — A Florida woman wound up nearly blind in one eye after a mixup caused her to accidentally super glue it shut, according to a WPBF report. Katherine Gaydos says she spent more than a week with a stuck eyelid after a friend mistakenly handed her super glue instead of an eye drop. The single mother of two found herself frantically asking the friend to grab Visine out of her purse late last month after he inadvertently blew debris into her eye with a leafblower.Rather than the eye drops, though, the friend instead reportedly handed Gaydos the bottle of glue she uses to apply false fingernails. Her friend's mistake was evident the moment the liquid hit Gaydos' eye as it immediately left her cornea burning and tightly sealed her two left eyelids shut. Gaydos immediately sought help and quickly got preliminary treatment, but lacking both money and insurance, was denied a necessary follow-up. "He was talking about doing surgery to try and save my eye," Gaydos told WPBF, referring to the doctor who first treated her. "But now I don't know what to do -- I don't have a job, no insurance or any money." Luckily, though, after word got out about her story, Gaydos finally got the attention she so desperately needed and a different doctor at the same office was able to quite literally pry her eye open. “He put Lidocaine above and below my eye and just pulled on it until it finally opened,” Gaydos said. Doctors say that after the glue is scraped off her cornea, she'll eventually gain back her eyesight and won't suffer any long-term damage.

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