8 months ago

September 13/ 2023
North Korea Leader Chairman Kim Jong Un Visit Russia To Meet With President Vladimir Putin…!!…
President Vladimir Putin Welcomes North Korea Chairman Kim Jong Un To The Vostochny Cosmodrome- Located 900 Miles North Of Vladivostok In Moscow…!…
Kim Jong Un Said His Country’s Relations With Russia Is His Top Priority Pledging Full Support To President Vladimir Putin And His Government Amidst The War In Ukraine…!!…
The Leaders Met On Wednesday September 13/ For The First Time In Four Years At A Space Facility In Russia’s Far East…!!…
Both Russia And North Korea Are Regarded As Outcast By The West And Will Back Each Other In Hold To Rejection By U.S. Led Efforts To Isolate Putin Over The Proxy War In Ukraine And Also Kim Jong Un Over Pursuit On Nuclear Weapons And Ballistic Missiles…!!…
Russia President Vladimir Putin And North Korea Kim Jong Un Are…WHITE HATS…
They Are Part Of The EARTH ALLIANCE Fighting Against C.I.A~Dark Hats—Globalist Elites~ The Deep State~ Military Industrial Complex[ M.I.C ]
Kim Jong-Un Is An Alpha Centurian Starseed~
He Is One Of The Good Guys

White Hats Military Excecute Five Deep State Physicians👨‍⚕️⚖️🧑‍⚕️⛓️🧑‍🚀🐝

In what could set a precedent for JAG’s book of business, the entity tasked with enforcing justice against unrepentant Deep Staters simultaneously hanged to death five physicians convicted of coercing patients to get vaccinated and blacklisting those who refused. The synchronous executions took place at Camp Blaz on September 5, on five gallows erected to hasten sentencing for myriad Deep Staters found guilty of treason and crimes against humanity.

As reported previously, a military tribunal on August 27 condemned 10 practicing physicians to death based on what some commenters on this website called flimsy evidence. Real Raw News asked a JAG source whether Admiral Johnathon Stephens, who led the prosecution, thought the panel’s sentencing recommendation fit the crimes, to which he replied, “To the best of my knowledge, Adm. Stephens didn’t dispute or discuss the verdict. In this case, the compelling factor is that they [the doctors] collaboratively ran a network to deny care and pressured patients to get vaxxed—some got very ill or died. Adm. Stephens did his duty in court. He did his duty at the gallows.”

The latter responsibility included listening to the muffled screams of the five gagged and blindfolded physicians as they stood atop their respective platforms begging for mercy. Their pleas, however, went unanswered, for they had squandered earlier opportunities to submit statements of contrition or atone for their immoral, unlawful, and sinful cruelty. Like all Deep State adherents, they had extolled a universal mantra: “I did nothing wrong. I was doing my job. I was following orders.”

The gravity of their predicament hit them with the force of a hammer to the head once they stood single file and were marched at gunpoint to the sets of steps ascending to the apparatuses of their demise—the nooses awaiting their necks.

When blindfolded, they bawled and wept.

When gagged and roped, their ruddy cheeks puffed out; subdued screams cried out for leniency, for compassion.

If Adm. Stephens had kindness in his heart, it wasn’t on display.

He commanded the hangmen to press the buttons that triggered the swinging doors beneath the prisoners’ feet, and within a few minutes, their lives came to an end, justified or not.

In closing, we asked our source the fate of the other five.

“Their time’s up soon,” he said.

As of this writing, they may be dead.

August 30/ 2023
Michael Baxter

Urgent: As RRN reported in March 2022, White Hat’s seized FEMA’s Mt. Weather stronghold and control of the Emergency Broadcast System. Mainstream media outlets reported yesterday, however, that FEMA will issue a nationwide test next month. FEMA has built a new EAS. I have known of this for the last two months but was asked not to report on it as White Hats have been attempting to locate the location of their new transmitter. Now that FEMA announced the test, I have been given permissoin to author a piece on it, which I will publish in the next two days. What’s important is this: White Hats have encouraged their own to DISABLE their phones between 2:00 and 3:00 pm EST October 4, as the phones could ping back to FEMA. I know I will be disabling mine, too. What you do is up to you that day.

August 28/ 2023
Pleiadean Contactee Elena Danaan Talk About The Massacre On Maui💔🔥🛰️🐝
And The Undetectable Direct Energy Weapon/Satellites Used By The Dark Military Forces🛰️

Get President Donald J Trump Amazing New Book📗LETTERS TO TRUMP ❤️🇺🇸📝🛍️🛒
People love my new book! Read all the never before seen letters only in, Letters To Trump. Available now at

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All Profits Will Go To The Legal Defense Fund🇺🇸🗽

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