Narrowing Your Niche: Carving Your Space in the Podcasting Landscape - Podcast Movement 2023

8 months ago

Narrowing your niche is one of the many secrets to standing out in the increasingly crowded digital soundscape. Whether you’re a brand, creator, or agency, hear from experts who have mastered the art of finding their unique voice and building a dedicated audience in the evolving podcast industry.

Moderator: Rob Greenlee
Is a well-known 18+ year podcast executive, show host, evangelist, professional speaker, and panel moderator/keynoter inside and outside the podcasting industry globally. He is the Founder of Spoken Life Media, LLC, Podcasting/Content Creator Partner,, and Co-Founder/Adviser, Former SVP, Podcast Content and Partnerships at, Former Board Governor “Treasurer” Member and former Founding Chairperson of The Podcast Academy, and 2017 Inductee into the Podcast Hall of Fame. In his roles at new media, tech, and podcast SaaS platform companies like Microsoft, PodcastOne, Spreaker, Voxnest, Libsyn, Advertisecast, and Podbean.

Panelists: Carly Baker, Alan Black, Fatima Zaidi

Everyone: In a world saturated with content, why is carving out a niche more crucial than ever? How does it contribute to the success and sustainability of a podcast?
Carly: In your role at HubSpot, you get to work with many creators. Are there certain criteria HubSpot looks for from creators to join its network? What does HubSpot think about podcast niches?
Alan: Canadaland holds a distinct space in the Canadian podcast landscape. Could you share insights about finding and refining the network’s niche? Do different shows address different niches, and if so, how do you identify them?
Fatima: As the CEO of Quill, a podcast production agency that works with large corporate brands, how do you guide clients when identifying their niche? How do you ensure a brand’s podcast stands out?
Everyone: How can a brand or podcast creator successfully pivot or refine their niche without alienating their existing audience?

Here are some suggestions to narrow your podcast show niche:

Identify your Interests and Expertise: What are you passionate about? What topics could you talk about for hours? What do you know better than most? Try to align your podcast with a subject matter that interests you and one where you have some level of expertise or a unique perspective to share.

Research Existing Podcasts: Listen to existing podcasts in your area of interest. Please pay attention to what you think they are doing well and, more importantly, what you think is missing or could be done better.

Target a Specific Audience: Who would be interested in your podcast? Be as specific as possible. Are they a particular age group, profession, or gender? Do they share a certain hobby or interest? The more detailed your audience profile, the more tailored (and thus more appealing) your podcast can be.

Combine Niches: Consider blending two or more niches to create a unique angle that hasn't been explored yet. For example, if you're interested in technology and mental health, you could create a podcast focusing on how technology impacts mental health.

Identify the Unique Selling Proposition (USP): What will set your podcast apart? It could be your unique perspective, a different format, unique guests, or perhaps your unique way of explaining complex ideas.

Panelist Bios:

Fatima Zaidi, Founder and CEO at Quill and CoHost:
Fatima Zaidi is the Founder and CEO at Quill Inc., an award-winning production agency specializing in corporate audio, and CoHost, a podcast growth and analytics tool. As a member of the National Speakers Bureau, Fatima has spoken at various events worldwide on media and tech trends, leading her to keynote on world stages alongside speakers like Gary Vaynerchuk. Over the past few years, she has won two Top 30 under 30 awards, the Young Professional of the Year by Notable Life, Veuve Clicquot’s Bold Future Award, The Women in Content Marketing Award, and one of Flare Magazine’s Top 100 Women.

Alan Black, Chief Operating Officer of Canadaland
Alan Black is the Chief Operating Officer of Canadaland, Canada's leading independent podcast network. Previously, he served as Managing Director of Hot Docs, overseeing the annual Hot Docs Festival - North America's largest documentary film festival and The Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema - the world's leading documentary cinema. Alan was the founder and driving force behind the Hot Docs Podcast Festival.

Carly Baker, Creator Partnerships Manager at HubSpot
Currently a Creator Partnerships Manager @ HubSpot Creators, Carly excels at crafting impactful collaborations and providing creators with the guidance they need to reach their goals. Her knack for inspiring, fostering engagement, and driving success is second to none. Off-duty, you can spot her exploring vintage shops and getting lost in the aisles of local bookstores, feeding her passion for discovery and inspiration.

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