QiWave Ascension full body workout #viral #viralvideo #shortvideo #shorts

8 months ago

QiWave Ascension full body workout


Embark on a profound journey of QiWave Ascension, a Qigong practice that harmonizes body, breath, and spirit:

1️⃣Grounded Beginning:
Commence in a seated position, allowing your weight to rest on your palms and heels. Keep your legs extended straight, maintaining a gentle, upward gaze with your neck slightly lowered. Point your fingers toward your feet, creating a connection with the Earth.

2️⃣Inhale and Center:
Inhale deeply, drawing in the life-giving Qi from your surroundings. As you exhale, center your awareness on your breath and the intention of the practice.

3️⃣Rising Qi Bridge:
Inhale once more as you gracefully lift your hip from the ground. Bend your knees, creating a seamless line from your knees to your head. Your connection with the Earth remains through your palms and feet, grounding you.

4️⃣Elevated Harmony:
In this ascended posture, feel the alignment of your body, a channel for Qi. Experience the energy flowing harmoniously within you as you hold this position for a moment.

5️⃣Descending with Qi:
Exhale slowly and mindfully as you lower your hip back toward the Earth. However, ensure that your buttocks do not make contact with the ground. Maintain your connection between palms, heels, and the Earth.

6️⃣Continuous Flow:
Inhale deeply as you rise once again into the QiWave Ascension posture. Embrace the grace and strength of this flowing movement. As you exhale, return to the starting position, keeping your connection with the Earth.

7️⃣Flowing Meditation:
Continue this rhythmic sequence, inhaling as you ascend and exhaling as you descend, for duration of 10 minutes. Allow each cycle to be a meditation on the balance and strength that QiWave Ascension brings.

8️⃣Closing Breath:
As your practice concludes, take a final deep breath in, appreciating the Qi you've cultivated. Exhale slowly and mindfully, recognizing the harmony between your inner energy and the energy of the Universe.

QiWave Ascension is a transformative Qigong practice that offers numerous physical, energetic, and mental benefits:

🔸Core Strengthening:
The flowing movement engages your core muscles, fostering strength and stability in the abdominal area.

🔸Buttocks Enhancement:
The practice specifically targets the gluteal muscles, helping to tone and lift the buttocks.

🔸Waist Shaping:
The dynamic movements promote flexibility and suppleness in the waist area, potentially leading to a smaller waistline over time.

🔸Energetic Balance:
QiWave Ascension harmonizes the flow of Qi within the body, promoting vitality and balance.

🔸Mental Clarity:
The mindful coordination of breath and movement enhances mental focus and clarity.

🔸Stress Reduction:
The rhythmic nature of the practice can induce a sense of calm and reduce stress levels.


While QiWave Ascension can be highly beneficial, it's important to approach it with mindfulness and awareness:

🔹Proper Alignment:
Ensure that your body is correctly aligned during the practice to prevent any strain or injury. Maintain a straight line from knees to head in the elevated position.

Begin with a duration that is comfortable for you, and gradually increase the practice time as your strength and flexibility improve. Avoid overexertion.

🔹Individual Considerations:
If you have any existing medical conditions, injuries, or physical limitations, consult your Qigong instructor before starting this practice.

🔹Mindful Progression:
Pay attention to your body's signals. If you experience discomfort or pain, modify the practice or discontinue it temporarily.

🔹Breath Awareness:
Maintain a steady and natural breath throughout the practice. Avoid breath-holding or forced breathing.

🔹Respect Your Body:
Remember that the benefits of this practice come with consistent, mindful practice over time. Avoid pushing your body beyond its current capabilities.

Check the links for more information:

Telegram: https://t.me/WhiteDragonQigong
Instagram: https://instagram.com/white.dragon.qigong

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