“January 6th Was Absolutely A Set Up!” Former Capitol Police Lieutenant Tarik Johnson

8 months ago

Tarik Johnson was the Capitol Police Lieutenant on January 6th. He says “January 6th Was Absolutely A Set Up” due to Capitol Assistant Police Chief Yogananda Pittman a close associate of Nancy Pelosi.

Johnson says Pittman had the intelligence report warning of danger by bad actors prior to January 6th. Pittman was responsible for informing Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, yet she withheld the vital information from him. She also failed to provide backup when requested on January 6th.

After January 6th, Pittman was promoted by Nancy Pelosi. Johnson says Pittman has given false and misleading testimony to Congress and the DOJ.

Johnson says the tragedy of January 6th would not have taken place had it not been for Pittman withholding the advanced intelligence warning. He says a new investigation must be opened, and that he is on a mission to expose the truth.

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