How to play Poop Wars

8 months ago

Learn the rules to the board game Poop Wars quickly and concisely - This video has no distractions, just the rules.

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The object of the game is to be the last one with your piece on the board when all the other players are flushed. Shuffle the toilet cards and lucky cards together, then place them in a 6 by 6 square so the open toilets and lucky cards are faceup. Place the sewage swirl in the center of the square. Shuffle the actions cards and deal one to each player. Players look at their own action card but keep it hidden from others. Each player picks a poop personality and takes its 3 matching pieces. Beginning with the youngest player and proceeding clockwise, each player places 1 of their pieces at a time on any empty open toilet space until all their pieces are placed. Pieces may not share spaces nor be placed on lucky cards.

Once all the pieces have been placed, then the player who pooped last goes first and play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, roll the die then move any one of your pieces exactly that number of spaces in either direction around the cards. You may not change directions mid move and you may not move a piece that is in the sewage swirl. If you land on an open toilet space that has another player’s piece on it, then your opponent’s piece gets flushed to the center sewage swirl. Multiple pieces may share a lucky card without being flushed to the sewage swirl.

If you roll the flush icon, then flip one unoccupied toilet card over. You can flip an open toilet to a flushed toilet or a flushed toilet to an open toilet. You may never flip over a lucky card. If you land on a flushed toilet, then your piece is immediately flushed into the sewage swirl in the center.

There are 3 Lucky Cards. If you land on the “surf back up” card, take one of your pieces from the center and place it on any unoccupied open toilet. If you have no pieces in the sewage swirl, or if there are no unoccupied open toilets, then do nothing.

When you land on “turd toss”, then move one piece from any player, including yourself, to any unoccupied open toilet space. If you land on “lucky roll”, then say a number 1 through 5 out loud then roll the die. If you rolled the called number, perform a “surf back up”. If you roll the flush icon, then flip a toilet card.

After you roll and move, and complete any actions, your turn ends and the next player goes. Each player has an action card they can use once per game. After playing your action card, it is removed from the game and may not be used again. The actions are as follows:

“Surf back up.” On your turn, instead of rolling, perform a “surf back up”.

“Out of order”. On your turn, instead of rolling, flip any one of your own pieces so it is facedown. That piece remains facedown until your next turn and cannot be moved by any player, and that space may not be flipped. At the start of your next turn, flip the piece faceup.

“Naaaaah”. When another player tries to perform an action against you, like a turd toss or a flush, play this card to negate that action and protect your piece. This includes protecting your piece if another player moves to your space, in that case, their piece returns to its starting space and their turn ends without them moving. Playing this card, does not count as your turn.

There are 3 “secret surf” flushed toilet cards. Whenever you flip a secret surf card, perform a “surf back up”. Secret surf cards can be activated multiple times in a game each time they are flipped; however, once flipped, a secret surf acts like a regular flushed toilet for any piece that lands on it.

When all your pieces are in the center, you are not eliminated from the game, but instead keep playing. On your turn you may either play an action card or perform a “lucky roll” to see if you can rescue a piece or roll a flush icon. Once all but one player’s pieces are in the center, then the game ends and that player is the winner.

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