8 months ago

Weaponized Weather has been around for at least 100 years, & probably closer to 150 years, but the technology has been around much longer. In this video, I have compiled all the clips, from a 1977, 3 part, Six Million Dollar Man episode, where Weaponized Weather is mentioned. There are over 100 United States, Weaponized Weather patents, with the first one coming in 1891. I have over 500 articles back dated to the same date, on Weather Control. Weather "Modification" is a BS's always Weather Creation. Geo-Engineering is another term used by shills, or those who do not understand the subject well enough. Geo-Engineering refers to the Rothschild Zio Cabal's necessary manipulation of the weather, to combat Mother Nature & God, who decided to go against every aspect of their naturally designed, beautiful Eden Plane, & torture all of creation with Climate Change. In the 1970's, there was a tonne being written about Weaponized Weather in the media, so this 200 minute movie was produced to program the masses about Weather Creation. The overall message from this 3 hour movie is quite confusing, which is intentional, as always. Weather "Control", does it even work? Is it a random madman doing this, or the world's Rothschild Governments? They love to create all kinds of chaos. And then of course, there is always "TRUTH IN PLAIN SIGHT"! Look at what we can do!! Look at the power we wield over you! It's no different than the messages sent from the Direct Energy Weapons attacks in Maui, California, & Fort McMurray, Canada. This is what they are admitting in 1977, but miitary weapons tech is always a minimum 25 years ahead of what they choose to air in Hellywood! The United States Rothschild Government comes off as the good guys, who only invented the "Weather Control Machine" to help those suffering from the effects of Climate Change. lol The 1970's was when this BS psyop really took flight. The 1970's was when the RZC began experimenting creating long, devastating droughts in Africa, & other places, that they used for many brainwashing, mind control psyops. Without Climate Creation, or Weaponized Weather, it would be sunny, with blue skies, EVERY SINGLE DAY! God designed a perfectly balanced, self healing, self regulating bio-sphere, just like our bodies. Our creator's signature is everywhere you look in the natural world. Without Weaponized Weather, or Climate Creation, it would never be humid, or really cold, or super hot, it would be pure bliss, as intended...A BEAUTIFUL EDEN PLANE.

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