Dead Drop Thunderball tutorial.

8 months ago

Split your tape in half. Romans 13 is all about the ministry of the sword on this channel we teach the biblical principle of self-defense and the Second Amendment. I show a whole lot of homemade improvised weapons for people that are disarmed by tyrants, all around the world. The devil was a murderer from the beginning, and murderers count on you being disarmed. before you get into this please understand there's a difference between murdering somebody, and killing somebody in self-defense one as justifiable homicide. If you haven't given your heart to the Lord because you think God is a tyrant because of self defense and Christian martyrdom, please accept the Lord's Grace. I also find it a little bit foolish that you would look into weapons content knowing self-defense can be a life-or-death matter, but you haven't got yourself death insurance. He who lives by the sword dies by the sword, so choose to die honorably defending yourself or others. Salvation is by grace through faith John 3:36kjv and John 3:16kjv are baby stuff. Faith without works is dead because works are a sign of your salvation and just believing in Christ is a work. Romans 4kjv or go home. So what keeps you in line after grace? There's a reward system when you get to heaven being a Christian, you may suffer loss, and God can also to chastise you if you stray. This does not negate God's infallible mercy, and it's much more than anything that we can do as mankind. As a new Christian you're going to have to learn the moral values, and principles, but grow in the faith understanding, salvation is by grace through faith, learn reprobate Doctrine, the textus Receptus and self-defense, welcome to the secret ministry of the sword. I'm sure you've heard the ministry of the spirit in which we wrestle not against flesh and blood but powers and principalities. Those who say this deny the power they don't even believe in gifts of the Holy Ghost anymore. But this ministry is necessary, and I will push it, because they say the Old Testament Saints are murderers. Please find Liberty grace and honer here. If this Ministries not for you please continue in the ministry of the spirit. But I ask you earnestly not to walk away with hatred in your heart. The twin Ministries often bump heads. Noting that God is a spirit and is meant to be worshipped as Spirit. Noting that the Lord is a man of war the Lord is his name. Finally noting that God is the God of All Flesh, understand this ministry is necessary for a spiritual aspect to conscience. All things work together for the good of those who love him. Conscience is necessary towards faith. Wrath & Vengeance and Justice bring about conscience when projected on evil-doers and not the innocent. the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God, but what about the wrath of God, through the hand of a minister of God. In the Bible the violence referred to was violence on innocent people, and if God does not have Justice then we are all duked. The Law David is to protect the widow and the orphan. Some are natural protectors and others are not. This ministry is for that man though you see it as a carnal sword, it has spiritual ramifications.

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