HTML Tutorial for Beginners - 18 - Field Box And Legend Elements

8 months ago

In this video, we'll take a closer look at two important parts of a webpage: the field box and the legend. Let's break it down into simpler terms:

Field Box: Think of the field box as a container or a box where you can put different types of information. It's like a labeled section on a webpage where you can enter or display things like your name, email address, or other details. This box helps organize and present information neatly.

Legend: The legend is like a key or a guide for understanding what's inside the field box. It tells you what each piece of information in the field box represents. For instance, if you have a field box for personal information, the legend might explain that the first field is for your name, the second is for your email, and so on. It helps users know what to input or expect in each part of the field box.

So, when working with HTML, you use these elements to structure and clarify the content on your webpage, making it easier for users to interact with and understand the information.

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