How to get evidence based care&treatment at home for long-term ventilated patients with tracheostomy

8 months ago

How to get evidence based care and treatment at home for long-term ventilated patients with tracheostomy and other medically complex patients!

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All of our clients at intensive care at home without exception would have been either in ICU or PICU in a hospital for extended periods because of their ventilation and/or tracheostomy needs.

We also look after some clients at home that are not ventilated but still have spent extended and prolonged periods in ICU/PICU for significant medical complexities that warrants for them to have a team of ICU/PICU nurses 24/7 at home. They often have neurological conditions with seizures that require unstable airway management at times.

Unstable airway management is a skill that only critical care (ICU/PICU/ED) trained doctors or nurses have.

In order to improve our clients and their families quality of life/quality of end of life quickly, the only way is to get them out of intensive care back home with the same level of skills and expertise than they get in ICU/PICU.

In essence, intensive care at home provides an evidence based intensive care substitution service with the primary goal to improve our clients and their families quality of life.

This also achieves many other goals that our other stakeholders want to achieve

It frees up in-demand and highly sought after ICU/PICU beds
It frees up in demand ICU/PICU staff to look after other critically ill Patients in ICU/PICU
It reduces the cost of the most expensive hospital bed by approximately 50%. The $5,000-$6,000 per bed day ICU/PICU now only costs half by sending ICU/PICU nurses into the home.
It gives long-term ICU/PICU patients and their families choice

In order to provide such highly specialised ICU/PICU care at home we have developed and created a 3rd party accredited (ISO 9001/2015 and NDIS) quality system that enables us to deliver a high quality intensive care nursing service in the home.

The quality manual is not only 3rd party certified and accredited, it is also evidence based.

For example, whilst intensive care at home is a relatively new concept in Australia, we have not reinvented the wheel.

Since the late 1990’s and the early 2000’s long-term intensive care patients have been going home in Germany on a regular basis.

Current estimations are suggesting that approximately 25,000 patients are at home on life support with ventilation and tracheostomy in Germany keeping ICU/PICU empty for more acutely unwell patients needing critical care.

Because Germany is still the leading country in the world when it comes to intensive care at home services, a lot of thought and research has gone into the model of safe service delivery.

It is of no surprise that the only way services can be safely delivered at home for long-term ICU/PICU patients is with ICU/PICU nurses with a minimum of two years ICU/PICU experience, ideally with a postgraduate qualification.

This is documented and evidenced by the mechanical home ventilation guidelines. The mechanical home ventilation guidelines is a result of over 20 years intensive care at home services in Germany. We have published the mechanical home ventilation guidelines on our website here.


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