“Batwoman” Shi Zhengli recently predicted that another coronavirus pandemic is coming

8 months ago

9/25/2023 “Batwoman” Shi Zhengli, the so-called coronavirus expert in Communist China, recently predicted that another coronavirus pandemic is imminent. Will the CCP release new viruses? Or is she trying to cover up the fact that COVID vaccines are the culprit of the upcoming disasters?
#ShiZhengli #CCPvirus #COVID #CCP #Chinese≠CCP #TakeDowntheCCP
9/25/2023 “蝙蝠女”石正丽预测另一场冠状病毒大流行将上演,难道中共会释放新病毒?还是她试图掩盖新冠疫苗才是这场灾难的元凶?
#石正丽 #中共病毒 #新冠 #中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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