Illegals Exempt from Biden's New Contact Tracing Program/Covid Shots

8 months ago


The Biden administration has reimplemented contact tracing for citizens returning to the United States, a source attempting to enter the country via a major US-based airline has confirmed.

However, the illegal aliens coming across the border are not and will not be subject to forced-vaccination or to contact tracing, because the UN says they don't want to be held liable for any adverse events stemming from the shots.

Alex Jones says: "In national studies and polls, it's the number one thing that makes them know that this whole COVID thing was garbage, out of all the lies we've been told: Illegal aliens coming into the United States don't have to take the shots, because the UN said they don't want the liability of them giving an experimental, dangerous shot. That's AP and Reuters, Folks. That's a fact.

"The illegal aliens don't have to take it but they try to intimidate us and make us take it. Now, they've backed off and said, "Bobody ever tried to make you take it – even though they fired 70-something thousand nurses and people in New York, alone.

"Same thing happened all over the world. So, Ladies and Gentlemen, the illegal aliens don't have to do it. Now, the illegal aliens' kids in New York and other areas, they don't have to take shots and go to school but they use color-of-law to intimidate citizens to take it.

"So, they're literally an elite class being protected by the Globalists, because they're bringing them in to vote, they're bringing them in to be signed up on Welfare, where the Democratic lawyers skim money off the top, same thing's done in Europe. Juat like they control and farm homeless, then these NGOs make massive money per homeless person. It's the same story over and over again.

"This is the bureaucrats, the social workers, taking over – and I'm not saying all social workers are bad but this is new rollout, this new Globalist NGO operation.

"So let that sink in. They want to grope you, they want to ask you questions, they want to contact trace you, they want to put you in a body scanner, they want to do all this crap flying inside the country or flying from outside in but the borders are wide open and they're not going to be contact-tracing any illegal aliens and they're not going to be giving them any of the shots and their kids are exempt and they're getting driver's licenses and Blue cities are letting them vote everywhere.

"But if Trump tweets that illegal aliens voted in Georgia, he gets indicted for it, even though they're passing laws everywhere that illegal aliens can vote and be police and rule over us.

"The global social engineers don't want there to be anything to keep the Third World from coming here. So they promise them free Welfare and jobs and medicine and everything so they can be brainwashed and turned into a permanent political underclass – and at the same time, this is very, very important – they're training the American People, like dogs going through these TSA checkpoints and all of the rest of these systems, setting us up for the world ID, the ESG, the social credit score.

"And once they bankrupt us all, the Universal Basic Income and then, you will eat the bugs! This is all a global, concerted effort, in your face, tying into to COVID, the contact tracing, the quarantine camps, everything."

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