What & Who Is "The Organization"?

8 months ago

Slow That Down: Strange seeing Maricopa County Government refer to #WeThePeople Poll Workers as "The Face Of #TheOrganization"

What and Who is "The Organization"?

Poll Workers are fellow Citizens in our Communities. We're grateful for their service for the good of our Civil Society.

2/5 Back in "The Good Old Days," We The People, through our own respective Political Parties, played a far more active—& direct—role in establishing our own Poll Workers for Elections held in our own Precincts, on the one & only day that is Election Day.

The radical transformation of our Elections from Precinct-Based Polling Places to All-In-1 For-Anyone-Anywhere so-called "Vote Centers" & "Vote-By-Mail"—all throughout "Election Month"—takes #WeThePeople's elections away from our Communities, Precincts, and Political Parties.

When was the last time—or first time—those favoring the "Vote Center" model—who hype up the year-to-year increase in the number of "Vote Centers"—ever do a direct comparison of those to the total number of Precinct-Based Polling Places when we all vote in our own Precincts?

For the 2022 Election, 200+ All-In-1 "Vote Centers" were established to serve We The People.

However, if We The People reestablish Precinct-Based Polling Places, holding Election Day in our own Precincts, that makes for just over 900 polling places, and scaled just right!

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