Brazilian pet owners rank second happiest in the world, study shows.

8 months ago

Brazilian pet owners rank second happiest in the world, study shows.
In addition to human relationships, dogs, cats, birds and other pets also play an essential part in the daily lives of humans. This raises the question of whether pets can really influence the health and well-being of their owners.
The answer is yes, and people who live with pets are significantly happier, according to a survey carried out by Petplan, an insurance company specializing in pets. With the help of facial recognition artificial intelligence, which scans photos from social networks such as Instagram and Facebook, it was possible to detect the levels of emotion of the people present in each one, generating a score from 0 to 100 for each emotion detectable in the image, measuring happiness, fear and disgust.
Approximately nine thousand images of owners with their pets from around the world were analyzed and compared with the average percentage of happiness of people, which is 36.8%. In the end, the study concluded that, for pet owners, the average value increased to 59.3%, emphasizing the positive impact of pets when they are around.
The study also showed that Brazil is the second country in the world with the happiest pet owners, behind only New Zealand. When we look at the data only from the perspective of humans who have adopted dogs as companions, Brazil ranks first, confirming that, indeed, dog owners are happier than any other dog owner in the world.
People who live with pets have noticeably healthier physiological responses when it comes to disorders such as anxiety, stress and even heart rate interference. More and more studies into the relationship between pets and humans are reaffirming that living with pets helps not only on an individual level, but in society as a whole, providing the development of bonds and social contacts.

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