Michael Murphy Murdered for Exposing the Geo-Engineering War Against Humanity

7 months ago

Michael Murphy Murdered for Exposing the Geo-Engineering War Against Humanity
Michael Murphy's research about geoenginering was infiltrated by Dane Wigington of GeoengineeringWatch.org Dane blackmailed and betrayed Michael Murphy, and he took over his research about geoengineering. Dane and his GeoengineringWatch.org is a controlled opposition /gatekeeper which ONLY focus on CHEMTRAILS for the damage done to the Natural Weather, and he very rarely metions that the main cause of the rising of the temperatures and the collapse of the natural water cycle (condensation and precipitation) was due to coal and oil emissions ( add nuclear spills, nuclear tests detonations in the thousands, and methane). Global rising of the tempratures is very real, and that's the main reason the dark oil barons introduced GEOENGINEERING in the ealry 1900's. But as we said: geoengineering does not work, but "they" are using it as a weather weapon, add to that the dimming of the sun, and the cooking of a nuclear war to cool off the planet and to hide the real pepetrators of the damage done to the Natural Weather. In Memory of Michael Murphy, WeatherWar 101 and Team
Geoengineer David Keith (minute 6:29) is a zionist demon in human body that thinks to be above good and evil. Bioengineering is an extension of geoengineering that has to do with the TRANSHUMANISM agenda via CHEMTRAILS: synthetic biology right at your door step without your consent and approval for over 40 years -we all breath nano-bots, fibers, viruses, heavy metals, and unknown horrendous elements. He is in bed with the "god" of the TRANSHUMANISM or SINGULARITY agenda, zionist demon Ray Kurzweil. Your government is doing this to you (few people within the U.S. government know about it) - in the Creation of Artificial Weather via geoengineering and neither behind the TRANSHUMANISM agenda via Bioengineering. There are at least five elements for the creation of artificial weather via Geoengineering: 1) CHEMTRAILS, 2) WET SURFACE AIR COOLERS, 3) ICE NUCLEATION: chemical or bacterial, 4) NEXRAD RADARS' heterodyne frequency, 5) FOREST ' WILD FIRES". The main goal of Geoengineering is to cover up the damage done to the fragile natural weather since the Industrial revolution with COAL, and OIL since the 1980's to present- add to that methane and nuclear detonations (in the thousands as tests). Geoengineering doesn't work as expected, but the dark overlords have been using it since the 1930's as a weapon to create "Water Extreme Patterns (aka Climate change) to wipe out innocent people's communities, especially if a county does not comply and summit to the New World Order - The U.S. A citizens are under constant attack at every front with "Extreme Weather" Patterns (meteorologist blame on the psyop "Climate Change"). The dark coal and oil barons, such as the zionist family the Rockefellers, knew of the damage done to the natural water cycle: condensation and precipitation, but they didn't and don't to care because money and power are more important to them than saving human lives and saving the planet.The most powerful archons who run this world, who embody the agenda of evil, are the so-called "Zionists". By this term I mean those authorities and leaders in this world who serve the greater evil on other levels (including "hell").
This world is not the kingdom of God but the kingdom of Zion, the spiritual force of evil. And the Zionists feel that they are ordained to rule this world, that they are above Good and Evil. They consider themselves "gods" or "masters of the universe". They are the Titans whom Zeus (who was not a myth but a real being of the Christ energy) came to eradicate.
The secret world rulers believe themselves to be in the blood-line of "Zion" - tracing their origin back to the evil demi-god they serve.
They are masters of evil, passing on their evil heritage, wealth, power, and world domination, cultivating progenitors in their ontologically evil family, from one generation to the next. (Zionism is, of course, also a political ideology, largely sponsored by the Rothschilds, and responsible for the establishment of Israel, which is its spiritual homeland.) When your scientists tell you "they are looking for extraterrestrial life in other solar systems, planets", they should know that there is already an extraterrestrial presence on earth and among people, demons in human form and its artificail race (chosen people) that do not belong to earth, but "they" want total control and slavery of what "they" will term a "lesser especies, cattle (goyim), insects" because that's the way the see humans -to play "their" virtual reality games of decease, war, terrorism, decadence, perversion, etc. etc. The truth is stranger than science fiction. NOTE: the Michael Murphy's research about geoenginering was inflitrated by Dane Wigington of Geoengineeringwatch. org. Dane blackmailed and betrayed Michael Murphy, and he took over his research about geoengineering. Dane and his GeoengineringWatch.org is a controlled opposition /gatekeeper which ONLY focus on CHEMTRAILS for the damage done to the Natural Weather, and he very rarely metions that the main cause of the rising of the temperatures and the collapse of the natural water cycle (condensation and precipitation) was due to coal and oil emissions ( add nuclear spills, nuclear tests detonations in the thousands, and methane). Global rising of the tempratures is very real, and that's the main reason the dark oil barons introduced GEOENGINEERING in the ealry 1900's. But as we said: geoengineering does not work, but "they" are using it as a weather weapon, add to that the dimming of the sun, and the cooking of a nuclear war to cool off the planet and to hide the real pepetrators of the damage done to the Natural Weather.
Chemtrails documentaries:
Chemtrails - Mystery Lines In The Sky (2000)
Chemtrails - Clouds of death (2002)
Aerosol Crimes (aka Chemtrails) (2005)
Don't Talk about the Weather (2008)
Look Up! 2008 Documentary (Full)
Awake in the Dream - 2009 - 3 hour - Documentary - (CTTM's Cut Part 1 & 2)
What in the World Are They Spraying (2010)
From Chemtrails to Pseudo-Life- The Dark Agenda of Synthetic Biology by Sofia Smallstorm
Overcast - An Investigation into Climate Engineering (2012)
Why in the world are they spraying (2012)
Chemtrails - The Dark Agenda (2016)
FrankenSkies (2017 - Full Movie)
The Dimming (2021)
Chem or Con - Lost Knowledge Unveiled: Definitive Proof and Hidden Truths (August 13th, 2023)
NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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