Support my Work on Patreon

6 years ago
I released an new Eleven minute action video on Friday . But you can only see that video, if you support me on Patreon.
Youtube, for me is as good as dead, they put shitty adverts on my videos, that pay out the lowest of the low ad revenue. Now you may think that making videos does not really cost anything, well thats not quite true. I have spent thousands on computer equipment, cameras, hard drives and much more, that I need to produce these videos. The cameras especially need replaced quite often, due to damage from BB's etc and the revenue from YouTube, really does not cover that, so I need to find other revenue sources. Sponsorship from airsoft makers or retailers is out of the question, because YouTube / Google is very anti gun, they cannot see a difference between real guns and airsoft guns, which means I cannot accept any sponsorship deals that may involve the sale of airsoft guns. So I have decided to try Patreon, I will release two action videos a month on there, plus other behind the scenes videos, speaking to players etc and review videos. Plus many photos etc. I hope you can understand my reasons for this and will support me.

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