Shuttle Atlantis STS-132: A Journey to the Stars.

7 months ago

On May 14, 2010, the Space Shuttle Atlantis lifted off from Kennedy Space Center on its final mission to the International Space Station. STS-132 was a historic launch, marking the end of the Space Shuttle program and the beginning of a new era in space exploration.

Atlantis carried a crew of six astronauts and a critical cargo module to the ISS. The mission was a success, and the crew delivered essential supplies and equipment to the station. They also performed a number of spacewalks to repair and maintain the ISS.

After 12 days in space, Atlantis returned to Earth on May 26, 2010. The landing was a flawless one, and the crew emerged from the shuttle to a cheering crowd.

STS-132 was a remarkable mission, and it is a fitting tribute to the Space Shuttle program. The Space Shuttle Atlantis was a marvel of engineering, and it carried astronauts on countless missions to space. STS-132 was the final flight of Atlantis, but it will never be forgotten.

Highlights of STS-132:
- Final flight of the Space Shuttle Atlantis
- Delivered critical supplies and equipment to the ISS
- Performed a number of spacewalks to repair and maintain the ISS
- Flawless landing on May 26, 2010

STS-132 was a journey to the stars, and it is a reminder of the amazing things that humans can accomplish when we work together.

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