Aug 18, 2016 ❤️ Jesus explains... Healing Tools in the Hands of Love... New Gifts are coming

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Healing Tools in the Hands of Love… NEW GIFTS COMING

August 18, 2016 – Words from Jesus to Sister Clare

(Clare) May the wisdom and blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ be with us all. My sweet and precious Jesus, please give me a word for your Brides.

(Jesus) “It is coming.”

(Clare) What is coming?

(Jesus) “Breakthroughs. Not just for you, but for all My faithful Brides that long to serve Me – as you have many who are ministers who listen in on this channel. As they continue to long to serve and be there for others, as they continue to weather the storms, I am bringing breakthrough to their ministries. I will increase the gifts, giving the ones that are longed for.

“Everything hinges on love. It is your love, My people, which enables the gifts. As you move more and more and long more and more to relieve the suffering of others, I increase your anointing. As you keep your head down, and walk humbly before Me, I can trust you with the power gifts, because you are not looking at yourselves but upon the suffering of others.

“You are not claiming the miracles for yourselves, but giving the glory to Me, as it is due. There is need, so much need for the healing and deliverance gifts to witness to Who I Am. Confusion grows with the darkness and even those who are professing Christians have serious moments of doubt and unbelief. This is something the enemy will take advantage of by offering them alternatives. But to see the healing gifts in action will be proof to them that I am a God of miracles and I truly do have authority over their body and soul.

“I have been preparing this group in a very special way for the last 15 months. As I have witnessed their responses to My needs and their faithfulness during persecution and above all else their continuing commitment to love from the heart despite the unbelief, persecution and bitterness of those around them. This means more to Me than I can ever say. That is why I can increase the anointing.

“My people, before you can carry the most favored and choice anointing, your vessel, your soul must be cleaned of ulterior motives. Your love for others must surpass your gifts, and your knowledge of Scripture. All these things are only tools in the hands of love. To have these tools without love, as you have witnessed in your own lives, is damaging to souls. Because rather than meeting their deepest needs you become embroiled in being right and having it all together, sealed up tight and down pat. So, the only way for a soul to react is submission.

“This is not My idea of ministry. My idea of ministry is meeting the soul where their need is. Tenderly being there present to them in their need, meeting them where it hurts the most with no other agenda than to love them as I have loved you.

“Because the Church has gotten caught up in showmanship and prowess and ‘oh, my, what an anointing!’ – they have lost sight that I was tender in My earthly ministry, with all of the most wretched and needy. I did not seek to minister to the well-groomed in order to impress others. I reached out for the truly broken. I showed to you the example of meekness with the little folk and withstood the hypocrisy of the ruling class. Yes, My heart was for the poor of the land. And regrettably had to turn away those who had been chosen to be My ambassadors.

“You will come to see, more and more, that those who are willing to look foolish for Me can be trusted with the greater gifts. They have cultivated a dependence on Me and a care-less disregard for what people say about them. This freedom of heart is absolutely essential to those of you who wish to walk in My power and anointing. Can you look at those who show scorn and contempt for you and still love them? Can you stay detached enough to speak gently about their sins, to bring about a reformation of their lives and conviction? Can you do these things without rancor – but with a heart of love and concern for the state of their souls?

“You see, there is no room for rancor or retaliation in this ministry. There is no room for slander, gossip or rash judgment. As you judge, so shall you be judged – until you become so sick of yourselves that you would rather go without ministry than be drawn into an unjust consensus or judgment of the motives of others. Yes, you would rather withdraw and remain silent than chime in with an opinion that offends My Spirit.

“Do you understand? This calls for an uncommon detachment of soul, and as you can see I have been raising you up in this on this channel. I have allowed ample opportunity for you to confront evil-doers and yet you have responded in charity and concern for their souls. There is no greater love than what is shown to those who are in vehement opposition and persistent calumny towards you. I have allowed this here to test your meddle and see if your heart truly is for the good of all of my people – not just the little ones who are still learning.

“You are all learners and have but one teacher. And if you reflect on this in your humility in dealing with others, you are reaching a point where I can trust you with the greater gifts. But if there is still a need to defend and justify yourselves, you are not ready to walk in My power gifts. Oh, My children, it is truly worthwhile to die totally to your own righteousness as others perceive it and seek only My approval.”

(Clare) Lord, did I do the wrong thing by stating clearly what we teach and what we don’t teach?

(Jesus) “You were led by My Spirit for the sake of the weaker ones, to clarify what I am teaching through you. Had you not done that, more injury to innocent ones would have been done.

“But it ended there, as it should have. Now you are moving forward with what’s been given you and those things are no longer your concern. Now it is to care for the sick and misunderstood souls that seek a place in My heart but are being discouraged by those who have not taken time to understand what I am doing through this channel. As you continue to pray and offer fasts for those who calumniate you, I am drawing others who are not in bondage, as well as winning over some of those who were at first against you.

“All I require of you, My Brides, is to love and in the end, I will have My way. Remember this as you move closer to your breakthroughs… knowledge, understanding Scripture, experience in ministry, and anointing – all these are only tools in the hands of Love. Above all else love one another as I have loved you. (John 13:34) These three remain, Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

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