The Gospel of Jesus - The Rapture - Seven Letters to the Churches in the Apocalypse

8 months ago

The Gospel of Jesus -

The Rapture - Seven Letters to the Churches in the Apocalypse - It's Not the Building

Revelation 1:9-11

As Christians we are taught through scripture that we (our bodies) are the temple where God resides. When God is our focus, our relationship with Jesus grows and Jesus becomes the center of our lives. Things like a fancy building, fancy chairs, awesome musicians, soft-ear compromising preaching are not important to us. What is important to us and to Jesus, is the relationship we have with Him and His Father. What we are hearing, learning and doing to grow in Christ and how we value the things God puts in our path. Whether we are serving the people in the community or taking care of the widows and the orphans. Everything else is secondary and viewed as a blessing from God.

If you look at the first century church and in particular the seven churches in the book of Revelation Jesus reminds us of the church and the spiritual conditions inside the church. The letters are common in format and include a commendation, criticism, instruction and a promise. These letters are written and are intended to be read by every church starting with Ephesus and ending with Laodicea.

John was exiled to the Island of Patmos because of his preaching and teaching the gospel of Jesus. Where Satan used the Roman emperor Domitian to try to stifle the gospel of Jesus, God turned those ashes into beauty. God used

John to write one of the most important books of the bible. Not only because it reveals who Jesus Christ is (Rev 1:1-3), but also gives a contrast to heaven and hell. It shows Jesus will be the one who executes God's final judgment in the world and defeats Satan, the anti-chirst, the false prophet and all those who take the mark of the beast, throwing them into the lake of fire.

As we see today, not one of the seven churches are left standing and is a perfect illustration how the buildings do not matter to God. What is important to Jesus is our souls, what are we doing with our gifts and who we follow. We are the church and when we set the right priorities through reverencing the Triune God, His blessing will pour out to His people. This is why the letters are timeless and are as relevant today as they were when they were first introduced and read to the church.

My prayer is that we would view our spiritual growth in Christ as the most important component in our lives. That Jesus would shine in each of us. Not to focus on things less important to God, but to focus on Him and His message of Salvation, Grace, Mercy, Sin and Love. That we understand the things in the world are temporary, but through Christ we will live for eternity in heaven. Amen! Amen!

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