The Anglo-Saxons: The Making of England: 410–1066 (Marc Morris)

8 months ago

Of the Anglo-Saxons, who not long ago ruled the world. They are now brought low, but we can learn from what, once upon a time, made them great.

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"England, fabled land of legend and destiny, is over. When you combine a degraded native populace unwilling to replenish itself with a ruling class that is among the most evil and stupid in history, which along with other malignant attacks on those it rules eagerly imports endless alien invaders in order replace the native population, against whom that population is unwilling or unable to fight back, you get—the End. Unlike in the lands currently known as America, in England a solution to renew what was once a proud and free people seems impossible. We should shed a tear, then, and look beyond. And also look backward, at the beginnings of England, sixteen hundred years ago, through the prism of this excellent book.." . . .

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