Oppenheimer, the actual story (Pt 2) 'Cosmology', Scientism 'Quantum time' & Programming. DEFCON Skynet, Cern, Shiva, & Israel (Sirens & cyber polygon in description box)

7 months ago

see all below (sirens & cyber polygon)... UN Gathering 'Pharaohs Army' (Psalm 27,pt 2) Cornerfringe & Max Igan (& Pandemic Treaty) Yom Kippur (see its description box also) https://www.bitchute.com/video/I3MTHGtYWozd/

4.10.2023 National sirens Russia usa prior to Israel Gaza THIS IS BIGGER THAN ISRAEL - WARNING TO THE WORLD cyber polygon attacks https://www.bitchute.com/video/8bITpaUiCKKB/

MR GOBBLEDYGOOK the nonsense of modern cosmology / HUGO TALKS https://www.bitchute.com/video/4VoXCKlLNa9c/

Professor Anthony C Sutton (39 minute interview of the clip in the film) "The Best Enemies Money Can Buy: An Interview with Professor Antony C. Sutton" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTDvLmEBESY
and alternative interview with Professor Sutton full version of the above 40 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zTDvLmEBESY&t=3s

The bible plainly outlines that God is outside of time and earth experiences time and God is outside of these dimensions as a Spirit (you dont need to be an Einstein realise this)

Hill of Evil Counsel & the UN hq in Jerusalem. Zion & the Temple of Solomon.The Ring of Power https://rumble.com/v19lq0u-hill-of-evil-counsel-and-the-un-hq-in-jerusalem.-zion-and-the-temple-of-sol.html

"The Hill of Evil Counsel in Jerusalem. Maps, history, topography & images, ancient & modern" https://rumble.com/v19lp2o-the-hill-of-evil-counsel-in-jerusalem.-maps-history-topography-and-images-a.html

UN base on Mount Hermon in Israel (UNDOF) The 200 fallen Angels fell here (on the 33rd parallel) https://rumble.com/v199er2-un-base-on-mount-hermon-in-israel-undof-the-200-fallen-angels-fell-here-on-.html

Ark of the Covenant on Temple Mount. Dome of the Rock Holy of Holies, Solomon's temple location https://rumble.com/v1bvikv-ark-of-the-covenant-on-temple-mount.-solomons-temple-location.html

Israel Zion and the attacks on Israel by 'Covid' Injections ( נמרוד בראשית י ותהלים 83 ) https://rumble.com/v1ji15r-israel-zion-and-the-attacks-on-israel-by-covid-injections-and-83.html

"Israel fears new Holocaust Shai Danon & David Icke ( Vaccinations & the Left - Right paradigm)" https://www.bitchute.com/video/B5QZlay5yxYi/ or here again also https://www.bitchute.com/video/gYvFmp0proUr/

HIV Vaids in the Vaccine outbreak in Israel 2021 2022 Immune system destruction, deaths & injuries https://rumble.com/v2hzr9w-hiv-vaids-in-the-v-accine-outbreak-in-isreal-2021-2022-immune-system-destru.html


In 2021 / 2022 the Vaids 'conspiracy' theory (from the experimental nMRA injections ) is now shown to be true from peer reviewed papers https://player.fm/series/the-last-american-vagabond-2809048/new-peer-reviewed-study-finds-pfizer-jab-causes-vaccine-acquired-immune-deficiency-syndrome-vaids The longer show is here on the subject https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGkVgypfBMQ and new variants. The vaids issue was classed as a conspiracy theory despite the Media in Israel reporting the outbreak during vaccinations in 2022 see " Trump, the FDA, Fachi & the Crispr HIV VAIDS vaccine epidemic in Israel & The world (deaths & Injuries) Who Pushed "Operation Warp Speed" https://rumble.com/v2i0al2-trump-the-fda-fachi-and-the-crispr-hiv-vaids-vaccine-epidemic-in-israel.html The paper from 'Frontiers in Virology'

Israel's Bio - Convergence experience, the 4th Reich of Communism & Scientism... "In the Beginning" https://rumble.com/v38igjb-israels-bio-convergence-experience-the-4th-reich-of-communism-and-scientism.html

Israel's "Hegelian Dialectic" The Petro-Dollar price Fix. Military Industrial Complex communism & No Win Wars to be sustained not won & all Politicians are Liars https://rumble.com/v32glqc-july-26-2023.html

What is the truth of Nuclear Weapons & Gaylon Winsor proof https://rumble.com/v3n8231-what-is-the-truth-of-nuclear-weapons-and-gaylon-windsor.html The Atomic Bomb Hoax - Nukes Do Not Exist &

Gaylon Winsor (who swims in Nuclear waste pool as proof) https://rumble.com/v3n87sa-the-atomic-bomb-hoax-nukes-do-not-exist-and-gaylon-winsor-who-swims-in-nucl.html

(CBDC and Covid )

Central banks confirm (Sep 2023) Programmable money (CBDC or Bitcoin) & can digitize property rights for no ownership (B of E) https://rumble.com/v3g9h44-central-banks-confirm-digital-money-cbdc-or-bitcoin.html

The Trojan Horse of Bitcoin & Crypto Currencies. The Strong Delusion and the Great Reset Documentary https://www.bitchute.com/video/9O1C5uB1twZm/

ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY JUSTIN WELBY & the Church of the 'Law of the Sea' Shipping Maritime Admiralty law. Child abuse & Apostasy https://rumble.com/v2lgmly-archbishop-of-canterbury-justin-welby-and-the-church-of-the-antichrist.html

Remdesivir & Polio (not cured ?) Vaccines do not cure or prevent Polio (it has simply changed names) & the Remdisivir criminal fraud https://rumble.com/v2s8jc4-polio.html


Ed Dowd: Wall Street analyst Black Swan Event - "They Can't Run From This Data!" (From CHD.TV) .https://rumble.com/v303qju-ed-dowd-black-swan-event-they-cant-run-from-this-data-from-chd.tv.html.... (or here again once more on bitchute https://www.bitchute.com/video/MyK6u7PkGFn8/ ) and into 2023 (June 2023 ) and into 2024 ://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsinvolvingcovid19byvaccinationstatusengland/deathsoccurringbetween1april2021and31may2023

with analysis here LATEST UK STATS : 'MASSIVE DEATHS' AMONG THE "VACCINATED" !!! WHY ??? https://www.bitchute.com/video/SGmDxnmKg9yV/

EU excess mortality continued to rise in April 2023 Eurostats https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/products-eurostat-news/w/ddn-20230616-3

IRELAND'S EXCESS DEATHS ARE NOW UP BY 45.3% https://www.bitchute.com/video/dub4betH3T6i/ with the areas most vaccinated having the most deaths. Excess deaths in the USA COMPLETE DENIAL -- Dr. William Makis https://www.bitchute.com/video/75fB1lKDtnSj/

Real Science ignored ? The Young Age Of The Earth - Robert Gentry - Scientifically Proves Earth isn't Millions Of Years Old https://rumble.com/v233oj8-the-young-age-of-the-earth-robert-gentry-scientifically-proves-earth-isnt-m.html

Heliosorcery 2022 Exposing the Occult Origins of Heliocentrism full documentary https://rumble.com/v28zmlm-heliosorcery-2022-exposing-the-occult-origins-of-heliocentrism-full-documen.html

and named in the video (Video 7) Sacred Geometry Explained Part 2 of 2 (part 1 in the film) https://www.bitchute.com/video/c90oCw4d7Ufq/ or again on youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxg8JJKLJz0

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