Texas Annex - Ukraine - Israel - Russia Iran - Divide - Conquer - Christ Promises to USA -10-10-23

7 months ago

Texas Annex - Ukraine - Israel - Russia Iran - Divide - Conquer - Christ Promises to USA -10-10-23

Video source - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wt6KSF2C4mg
( above - Dr Steve Turley - annex Texas Coming - when?)
Glenn Beck - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUQva7m_pvU
(Above War with Ukraine has Pushed Russia to help Iran and war with Israel - Getting us out of Ukraine etc…)

China will and is taking advantage of our weaknesses… Border Crisis - Political weakness - Military weaknesses…

Conquer and divide - it’s a long game working very well for China!

Christ will not let this nation fall because he is not done with us and our purposes - Restored Gospel and other Promises…


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