Orgone: History of Wilhelm Reich's Research Banned in America | Oculus in OLIVE World

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Orgone: History of Wilhelm Reich's Research Banned in America | Oculus in OLIVE World

Tonight I'm going to show you footage from some documentaries about Wilhelm Reich. I think these are among the best out there to truly grasp what Reich's research was all about.

I'm also going to talk briefly about a weird story out in Oregon where we seemed to have cracked through the OLIVE simulation at a facility known as Oculus in Damascus, Oregon...lots of weirdness surrounding this place. It has pyramids and statues of Egyptian deities.

Compare what you read about Wilhelm Reich on Wikipedia to Bibliotecapleyades for example:



Wikipedia doesn't even attempt to create a balanced portrayal.

I really don't know much about Reich as a man. I've studied quite a bit of his research to know he was spot on with many regards and I disagree with one thing critical to his research. I'm saying this because I don't follow a 'cult of reich'...I'm just someone who studies these things and tries to learn the truth.

One thing I do feel strongly...the Nazi infiltration in America post WWII contributed heavily to the persecution of Wilhelm Reich. Nazis do not want American's understanding Bioenergetics. Nearly all of it's pioneers have been killed off or similarly persecuted...why?

Royal Rife, Wilhelm Reich...even James DeMeo, though not persecuted like them, was left in obscurity instead of brought to the forefront like a DeGrasse Tyson 'character'...or Bill Nye...why do we care what those guys think more than geniuses who have been studying human energy concepts their whole lives?

Tonight is going to be a quick review of Orgone, Reich and to discuss my thoughts on his ideas of D.O.R. and P.O.R. as spectrums of life energy. It's my personal belief that we should redefine D.O.R. where the "D" means either "Dark" or "Dormant" instead of "Deadly"
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news nazi frequency electromagnetic scalar orgone wilhelm reich rainbow talent montauk orgonon

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