Centralising Public Health Control: Dr Wolfgang Wodarg

7 months ago

Dr Wolfgang Wodarg is a medical doctor, pulmonologist and epidemiologist who worked as a politician in the German Bundestag (federal parliament) as well as the Council of Europe, where he was President of the Sub-Committee on Health.

He recently published a book called False Pandemics: Arguments Against the Use of Fear. This is based on his experience recognising the use of pandemics to control populations in order to profit from pharmaceutical products.

In this conversation with Carolyn Betts and Catherine Austin-Fitts of www.solari.com, Dr Wodarg describes the process of distorting public health for profit and control. He first saw this during the so-called Bird Flu Pandemic in 2004. He was instrumental in ending the Swine Flu scandal in 2009 after recognising their partnership with private sponsors involved in manufacturing fear around a less-than-ordinary circulating virus.

Interestingly, Jeremy Farrar who manufactured the 2004 Bird Flu fears from his role as Director of the Oxford University Clinical Research Unit at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam, is now the Chief Scientific Officer at WHO. If you Google "bird flu pandemic Jeremy Farrar" you will find multiple stories of a pending bird flu pandemic being predicted by Farrar today. Our governments are preparing to contract for purchase of products we will all need to take in order to protect ourselves. Claims that a bird flu is "killing animals" ignore the fact that the animals are in fact being culled. When this happens in poor nations, food sources are eliminated leading to starvation and chaos. This is not "public health". Learn more about these fearmongering practices from biowarfare expert Dr Meryl Nass, at this interview: https://rumble.com/v294pc2-whos-sordid-history-of-so-called-pandemics.html

This is a fascinating topic for all of humanity. Not only given what we just experienced for over three years. But because of World Health Organization's ongoing plans with regards to establishing legal frameworks so that next time they can be far more authoritarian in order to ensure even bigger profits and power to their sponsors.

The World Health Organization's (WHO) intended role when they were established, was to assist populations in poor nations without adequate health systems by advising on best practice and offering support. Today they are 80% funded by private interests, whose intent is to sell their products to the entire world. Nations for whom WHO were once irrelevant will soon find that their health systems are ruled by WHO, following profit rather than evidence. Covid was just the most recent, and most successful, practice run.

Dr Wodarg offers invaluable insights into what is happening, and solutions to the looming problem.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://rumble.com/v3orwve-centralizing-public-health-control-with-dr.-wolfgang-wodarg.html

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