The History Of Zionism - An Identity Crisis That Led To Identity Theft

7 months ago

The History Of Zionism - An Identity Crisis That Led To Identity Theft | Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro
Zionism in Essence
Oct 15, 2023

"The History Of Zionism - An Identity Crisis That Led To Identity Theft | Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro " or “Israel Needs To Be A Normal Nation For Israelis And Not For Jews Alone” - A Conversation With Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro.

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Folks, this is the second conversation that got a better of me and thereby I had to post this clip to share it with you.

-I don't normally watch Kim Iversen or Redacted and their ilk, which I called "MSAM" (Mainstream Alternative Media) because most of the time they just reify disinformation from MSM with superficiality (i.e "virus", "gain of function" "election"). But this time, like Mike Adam (Health Ranger Report) in his recent conversation with a young Australian woman on human principle, Kim was really digging down to the bottom of Zionism and Jewish identity with Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro. Kudos to Kim Iversen and big thanks to Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro! I am glad that she seems to get it this time!

This conversation has also forced me to think deeper and wider on not just "the Palestine and Jews issues" but the whole concept of nationalism and theology both of which are heavily "metaphysical," and full of absurdity, to say the least. What Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro presented and explained do clarify many things that Prof Shlomo Sand wrote in his two books "The invention of Jewish People" and "The Invention of The Land Of Israel," and what Gilad Atzmon tried to explain in his books "The Wandering Who?: A Study of Jewish Identity Politics (Zero Books, 2011) and later "Being in Time: A Post-Political Manifesto" (Skyscraper Publications, 2017). This learned man did manage to successfully explain a complex, complicated issueswith full of deceptive “historical data” in a very simple way with plain English!

This conversation is very informative and highly educational, IMHO.

Allow me going off a little bit on a tangent here. When I finished listening to the interview of Edwin Black, the author of the book "The Transfer Agreement", I felt something which is still not just missing but fishy and deadly wrong particularly about "Zionism" and the "plan to steal Palestinian land" which precedes Hitler's "weird relationship", to say the least, with European Jews in general and German Jews in particular. (let alone there are "documents and rumors" that Hitler was Jewish himself!

Obviously it's NOT the case! Even if Hitler paternal grand father was Jewish, since "Jewishness" goes forever with "maternal bloodline" according to “Jewish laws/Belief” as Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains!)

If you really want to uncover "the past" beyond propaganda of both sides. Please do your own research on this issue. One can start this historical revisionist journey with the special WWII, Jews and Nazi series in The Unz Review ( and Institute for Historical Review (

-BTW, Did you know that at his early election campaign for government power, Hitler received supports in both finance and personal resources from German Jewish millionaires (According to Dr David Irving with his ). You see folks "History" is not just full of craps, make-believe, but also deadly traps! (e.g Hitler's Jewish Soldiers: The Untold Story of Nazi Racial Laws and Men of Jewish Descent in the German Military).

-Some years ago, I did watch the so-called "historical" documentary - "Adolf Hitler The Greatest Story Never Told (Full 6 Hours Documentary). I felt sick (after more than 6 hours, since I had to pause and rewind some times to make sure I got "the message" right and correctly!) of such extreme twist of "documents" and idolization of political power and "leaders" up to the sainthood of national heaven! For...what? I don't know!

-No wonder such scoundrels and butchers as Ho Chi Minh and Mao Tse Tung, who deliberately murdered their own comrades, their own supporters, and their own innocent people, are still revered by millions of today Vietnamese and Chinese respectively. Even Pol Pot is still revered by some Cambodians today! Go figure folks!

So be very carefully! Like the so-called "Balfour Declaration" which is not a "declaration" but just a private letter of Foreign Secretary Arthur James Balfour wrote to Lionel Walter Rothschild, "expressing" the his (British) government’s support" for a "Jewish homeland" in Palestine.

So please, do your own research with your own diligence and especially please use your own two brain cells to come to your own conclusion.

As always, the last word is yours!

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