The Gospel of Jesus - The Rapture - Time is Near Jesus Brings the Reward

7 months ago

As a Christian we have one thing we are certain of. It is this, that the words of Jesus are faithful and true! It is through the word of God that we are able to understand the Triune God. It is through His word that our relationship with Christ grows. His word tells us that He is coming quickly, that we should be watchful and that our reward awaits us in heaven.

There is going to come a time where it may be too late for you if you do not receive Christ while you have air in your lungs. This is some of the message throughout the bible, 'Don't wait to give your life to Christ.' 'Be ready for the return of Christ.' 'Understand the mission from God and execute it to the best of your ability.' 'Separate yourself from the world.'

In Daniels vision (Daniel 8:26) Daniel was told to close up the book. In (Revelation 10:4) the seven thunders told John to close the book. In the last chapter of the bible, John is told NOT to close the book. This is because this is the end. The Revelation is complete. We find that the gates of the New Jerusalem are open. That the true believers are welcome in. We also know that the sinners are left out. That there is no other opportunity for them. Once outside, you will forever be outside the walls of the New Jerusalem.

There are seven blessings in the book of Revelation (1:3; 14:13; 16:15; 19:9 20:6; 22:7, 14) that allow us to understand where we will live for eternity. When we read, follow God's commands, embrace His word and give our life to Christ we are blessed. Conversely, if we ignore Gods commands, continue to live in the world for the world, we will be condemned to darkness.

You can only separate yourself from the world and live for Christ if you have the desire to do it. Knowing of Jesus is much different than knowing Jesus personally. Being a Christian requires much more than talking about Jesus to your Christian friends or sitting in church for an hour a week. It takes getting in the word of God, living the biblical principles you have learned, sharing the gospel of Jesus and following the commandments that God has left us with. As we live righteously, God will bless us and our reward is the kingdom of heaven.

My prayer is that we would recognize the times we are in. That time is short and that there would be a sense of urgency to give your life to Christ so you may live for eternity with Jesus. I pray that the Lord speak clearly into you and that you are filled with the Holy Spirit to discern the signs of the times. That you would adopt a boldness to speak the truth in love. That you would love as God loves with an everlasting, longsuffering, righteousness for the rest of your days. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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