Kendall Jenner VS Kylie Skincare Routine

7 months ago

Have you ever wanted to step up your skincare game? Well Kendall and Kylie’s skincare secrets might just help you do that. It really is all about knowing what kind of skin you have! Kylie has combo skin that is dry and sensitive. This means she focuses on gentle products and keeping that skin nice and hydrated! We love a glowy look! Kendall has oily acne prone skin. This means that keeping the oil under control is SUPER important. When there is an excess of oil on the skin it can clog pores leading to acne. However keeping the skin moisturized is still very important to keep the skin from continuing to over produce oil. On top of all that, for any skin type keeping those hormones balanced by hydrating, exercise and diet can really help your skin thrive. And who doesn’t love that?!

Kendall shared that for her, she finds that cutting out most dairy really helps to keep breakouts at bay, but let's be real she loves cheese so everything in moderation!
So really, if you understand how your individual skin works then it is way easier to take care of!


00:00 Intro
00:27 Kylie Daytime Routine
02:01 Kendall Daytime Routine
03:47 Kylie Nighttime Routine
04:03 Kendall Nighttime Routine
04:26 Knowing Their Skin Type
05:15 Outro

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Written by: Emily Masurkevitch
Narrated by: Emily Masurkevitch

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