AOC Backtracks on Iron Dome Funding for Israel After Famous Crying Incident on House Floor

7 months ago

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) was recently confronted on her 'present' vote on Israel's Iron Dome while on CNN.

"A couple of years ago, there was a vote in Congress for funding for the Iron Dome, and you very publicly were torn, even emotional about your vote, which ultimately was present," CNN political correspondent Abby Phillip noted.

"You put out a statement saying that you opposed Iron Dome funding. I wonder, given everything that we've seen in this last week, the Iron Dome has essentially intercepted thousands of rockets from Hamas. Do you believe now that that funding is essential? Would you vote for it today?"

"Yes, and to be clear, at that time I had voted present on the Iron Dome funding because of what we had seen previously that year in terms of Netanyahu's decisions, which also resulted in the bombing of several buildings that contain media agencies, civilian targets. However, I do think that in this present moment when we discuss support for Israeli defense systems, that is absolutely legitimate. I think it is absolutely something that who support, we support."

AOC neglected to mention that the IDF warned the occupants of Gaza's Al-Jalaa Tower that an airstrike was imminent because it "contained military assets belonging to Hamas military intelligence."

After her maudlin theatrics while making her 'present' vote on the Iron Dome funding, she explained her shedding of tears.

“Yes, I wept. I wept at the complete lack of care for the human beings that are impacted by these decisions, I wept at an institution choosing a path of maximum volatility and minimum consideration for its own political convenience,” she said.

“And I wept at the complete lack of regard I often feel our party has to its most vulnerable and endangered members and communities - because the death threats and dangerous vitriol we’d inevitably receive by rushing such a sensitive, charged, and under-considered vote weren’t worth delaying it for even a few hours to help us do the work necessary to open a conversation of understanding.”

There is not much to understand: Israel needs the ability to defend itself from militant Islamist aggression that threatens to wipe it off the map. That is an actual "death threat," and Israeli citizens live with it everyday.

"So you would vote yes today if it came to the United States Congress, additional funding for the Iron Dome?" Phillip asked her.

"I think if it was explicitly around that, I have concerns, white phosphorus. I have concerns about the respect for humanitarian about human rights."

What about the "human rights" of Israeli civilians who were at partying at dawn on a Saturday when Hamas militants slaughtered them in a surprise attack?

What about the "human rights" of 21-year-old Mia Schem, an Israeli-French woman who was kidnapped from that Supernova Music festival?

What about the "human rights" of Israeli civilians to live and worship in peace without the constant threat of being exterminated for believing in Judaism?

But perhaps we shouldn't expect AOC to have moral clarity on this issue, after all, before the 2018 election, she attempted to clarify her view that Israel was on "occupied" territory.

“I think what I meant is like ... the settlements that are increasing in some of these areas and places where Palestinians are experiencing difficulty and access to their housing and homes,” she responded.

When prompted further, she admitted, “I am not the expert at geopolitics on this issue."

That is something that Americans can agree on.

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