7 months ago

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This is the Leaf Sheep (Costasiella Kuroshimae), a tiny sea slug that looks like a plant or a sheep. They are normally found around Japan, Indonesia, and the Philippines! They can grow from 5mm to 1cm in length.

The strangest thing about this animal is that they get their food mostly from Photosynthesis (process of transforming light energy into chemical energy), they eat Algae, in which they suck the chloroplasts (important organelles that conduct photosynthesis) from the algae and combine it into their leaf like body part, a process called kleptoplasty.

This is where they are able to do photosynthesis whenever food like algae is scarce.

Their face looks like a sheep or cow combined with a plant body. This fella in the picture looks like it is begging for food!

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