QLD No Longer Supports Path to Treaty

7 months ago

Almost 70% of Queenslanders voted against the Indigenous Voice to Parliament. This is a clear message that the majority of Queenslanders just don’t want this. The only electorates to vote for the constitutional amendment, were the federal seats of Griffith, Brisbane, and Ryan. And they were close. It wasn’t like their constituents overwhelmingly supported the Voice. It should be noted that all three electoral seats are held by the Greens. Despite this, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk pushes forward with her state-based Path to Treaty. Based on the referendum results, no Labor federal electorate in Queensland supports her on this. Only the Greens do. Is she now only working for the Greens?

But in a major turn of events, the Liberal National Party has dropped its support for the Path to Treaty, as they should. Their constituents do not want this. Technically, Labor constituents do not want this. Although initially, LNP leader David Crisafulli did support the Path to Treaty legislation, today he realised that his electorate just don’t support him on this, and as a politician, who are you beholden to? Your constituents. You are a representative of the people. If you no longer represent the people, then you should no longer be in parliament. Politically, he’s done the right thing. He wrote, “It’s clear to me Queenslanders do not want to continue down a path that leads to more division and uncertainty. Pursuing a path to treaty will lead to greater division, not reconciliation, and I cannot support that. When Queenslanders speak it is the duty of leaders to listen. Queenslanders have spoken and I have listened. We must find a better way forward to improve the lives of Indigenous Queenslanders that unites us all in this cause. The LNP can no longer support a Path to Treaty and will not pursue one if elected to government.”

So we have one of the major parties listening to the people. Katter’s Australian Party and One Nation have always been against this from day one. I believe they were the only ones to vote against the Path to Treaty in Queensland. The Greens, well you might not like them, but they do exactly what their supporters want. The only political party that seems to be ardently against their supporters are the Labor Party. They just don’t want to listen to their constituents, at least, not on matters regarding Indigenous treaty. They’ve just abandoned their voting base. You don’t stay in government by appeasing three or four percent of the population. You are their to govern for the majority. Hospitals, schools, housing affordability, electricity prices, community safety. You fix these things, you improve these things, then you improve the lives of all Queenslanders regardless of their ancestry.

Federal Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has walked away from a pledge to hold a second referendum to constitutionally recognise Indigenous Australians, because he can see the writing’s on the wall. The electorate don’t want this anymore. He’s a politician after all. If he pushes ahead with something that’s going to cause more division, it would be a major political mistake.

This is kind of breaking news as I was almost ready to publish this video. It turns out that the Premier has backed away from the Path to Treaty as well! The Premier has backflipped after the LNP backflipped. It’s a full on acrobatics performance! Thank you to the viewers who inform me of these changes, because I can’t keep up with all this news. According to the Guardian, “Queensland treaty appears doomed as Annastacia Palaszczuk makes it contingent on LNP support”. When asked if she thought Queenslanders still support treaties being negotiated with Indigenous people, she said, “That’s a long way off and that would require bipartisan support. It’s obvious these laws were put in place with bipartisan support, and they are now walking away from that bipartisan support. For effective reconciliation, and Path To Treaty – that would require bipartisan support. We need unity in this state and we need to be talking about the issues that really matter out there amongst Queenslanders – and that is cost of living.”

There you have it. It seems like we’re all on the same page (except the Greens). I guess the Premier saw that her political neck was on the line. Either way, the people of Queensland have spoken, and finally, their leaders seem to be listening.



Allégro by Emmit Fenn

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