Playbook Known

7 months ago

The Impact of Fareed Zakaria's Analysis The Downfall of America

Fareed Zakaria, an esteemed commentator on international affairs, has been instrumental in shaping public opinion and policy decisions.

Born in India and educated at Yale and Harvard, his insights have had a profound influence on the global discourse.

Zakaria is the editor of Newsweek International and hosts Fareed Zakaria's GPS, a weekly international affairs program on CNN.

He is also the author of several books, including the New York Times bestseller "The Future of Freedom."

His writings have earned him numerous awards, and in 2007, he was named one of the hundred leading public intellectuals in the world.

Zakaria's analyses are read worldwide, and his insights have shaped public opinion on critical issues.

His 2001 Newsweek cover story, "Why They Hate Us," was particularly influential in helping the public understand the motivations behind the 9/11 attacks.

Fareed Zakaria's religion is Muslim. He was raised in a Konkani Muslim family in India, and his father was an Islamic theologian.

Zakaria's work has also impacted policy decisions.

His book, "The PostAmerican World," was publicly read by Barack Obama during his presidential campaign.

This suggests that Zakaria's perspectives may have influenced Obama's approach to international affairs during his presidency.

Obama campaigned on get us out of Iraq

but that was #17 on Obama's list, first, he had to deal with the collapsed financial industry, the mortgage industry, automobile sector, and of course Iran.

and North Korea before he gets to Iraq

The only real comparison to Barack Obama is ironically Herbert Hoover who campaigned and comes into office in 1929 assuming an era of unbreakable prosperity.

And very soon the United States has the great crash and the Great Depression, let us hope those stories don't end in similar ways for Barack Obama and Herbert Hoover.

Fareed Zakaria's analysis of international affairs continues to shape public opinion and policy decisions.

His insights provide a unique perspective on the world, making him a vital voice in today's global discourse. He gives us a playbook into what we can expect, going forward.

People only assume that it must be because somebody loaded very evil things and the narrative that has taken shape is that the demon bankers destroyed the world economy.

there is more to it than that, and therefore more importantly how to think about the fixes.

If we just need a better class of bankers, we will be waiting a long time.

This is more of a product of success rather than failure. It actually starts in 1979 because that is a tough year for the United States.

That is the year that the term Stagflation is coined. Then to describe the combination of high unemployment and high inflation it's also geopolitically doing badly.

Then with the humiliation of Vietnam and
the agony of Watergate, other countries most importantly
The Soviet Union are taking advantage of pressing forward in Central America and Africa, and Southeast Asia.

In the late 1970s the oil prices were very high, in fact 1979 was the peak year of oil prices.

Until oil crossed $130.00 per barrel which happened briefly in 2008 now the Beginning of the End.

The Soviet Union flush with oil revenues because it was in some ways a petro dictatorship decided to go on a series of foreign policy adventures funding all kinds of guerrilla movements.

But most importantly, it invades Afghanistan and in doing so and more generally having an expansionist foreign policy it begins the process of digging its own grave, it bankrupts the Soviet system and eventually leads to the collapse of the Soviet Union itself in 1979.

The Soviet Union never able to recover begins that winding down of the Cold War, Russia is in an Political Stability Around the World.

But the biggest problem a country can face is inflation, not war.

The Dow Jones can be influenced by inflation. According to a report by inflation surged to the highest level in over 40 years under President Biden's leadership, with consumer prices up nearly 17.1%

Do you see what is happening in America?

The Silent Great Depression is here.

While 'Inflation' props up the DOW
The top 30 Companies and banks are not losing money, because inflation is propping them up.

While everyone underneath is being squashed like bugs. What happens whenever the support legs are pulled out from the top, and everyone loses everything?
America falls.

Are you prepared?

The end minutemen

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