Ice Trolls: Warcraft 3 Custom Faction/Altered Melee Showcase

7 months ago

To speed up the pace of the showcase cheat codes are used and there are 2 gross unit upgrade icons that depict a impaled eyeball (the image is digital of course unlike the real arm wound of the famous "more dots" Onyxia video). The Ice Trolls are a faction with a mix of cold temperature and voodoo themes. The Ice Trolls are a interesting custom melee faction, able to leach the power of the Loa to increase the damage of units by 50% at the cost of a quarter of the units health. They also start off with a warrior unit called the "Dissenter" which has different effects than most units when the power of Loa is used on it (I didn't show what happens to the dissenter when this happens in the video, but it dies after a period of time). Their unit procurement is also different, able to instantly procure most units instantly through Training Charges, the Dissenter also trains very fast but it's not instant procurement like with the Training charges, the Shaper procurement speed seems average.

Units Include: Shaper (not to be confused with the Shapers from the Geneforge indie game series), Axefighter (A basic warrior, can be upgraded to throw axes that ignore half of armor), Spearthrower (another basic fighter, has longer range and slows down units movement and attack speed by 10% which stacks with other Spearthrowers), Onager (a siege unit), Snowstrider (polar bear mounted ice troll warrior), Skymourner (a flying mounted bat unit, can reveal invisible units), Mammoth Handler (siege unit with a mounted frost mage), Abjurer (Support spellcaster), Medicene Mon (a mage unit, the name Sounds Jamaican), Frostwarder (a flying ice elemental mounted by a support spellcaster), and High Champion (A elite warrior unit).

Heroes Include: Boreal Hunter (has abilities that make them miss their own attacks, a ranged damage reflecting aura, and can disable enemy buildings), Axemaster (has abilities that focus on damaging enemy units), Profaner (has a area attack spell that damages organic unit, can increase a units attack rate at a health cost to said unit, can use it's HP to increase the effects of it's spells, passively increase it's attack damage, and can summon a snake, mammoth, and rhino units with a shared HP pool), God-Hulk (specializes in tanking a lot of damage and can stick around for awhile with abilities that increases it's healing factor).

The mod/map can be found on HiveWorkshop. The author of this mod/map is "wa666r"

If you like video game mod gameplay, check out my YouTube Channel and Facebook page. I'm also on Instagram.

0:00: This video showcases the Warcraft 3 Ice Trolls Altered Melee faction, a faction that seems to involve voodoo and has a heavy use of cold status effects.

0:39: The Ice Trolls start off with a Dissenter, a warrior unit, more can be trained as you build more sacrificial huts.

1:15: Gold Cellar sounds like a fancy word for a building that stashes treasure.

1:45:The Ice Trolls use Training Charges to procure most of their units instantly, but if there are no charges they can't be procured.

2:17: Ice Troll hero descriptions.

3:19: It is possible to upgrade Ice Troll structures to slow the enemy down a bit as they're attacking your base.

4:00: The "quests" button that displays the faction infomation and description doesn't appear to be working.

4:47: Armor piercing hatchets, more like armor carving hatchets.

5:33: Yes the Onager unit appears to have wheels made of ice

6:55: The Ice Trolls have a heavy voodoo theme.

7:43: That eye on a stick icon makes me uncomfortable.

8:51: swear I heard what sounded like the grunting of training vikings in the last 20 seconds.

9:18: Yes that appears to be a Troll riding a polar bear.

10:11: God-Hulk? Sounds like it would be a fitting name for a 5 meter tall muscular Deity

10:38: Our base got colder, for the enemy.

11:27: Let's increase our population cap to train as many fighting units as we can.

12:46: Discord, thats the name of a popular messaging app and a my little pony villian who later reforms.

13:47: Medicene Mon, sounds Jamaican.

15:01: Staging our forces

15:33: It sounds like a Jamacian bar when you click on the Warcraft 3 Tavern.

18:05: Forgot these 2 upgrades.

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