one of BiBi's best friends explains the thinking of their majority

7 months ago

If it weren't for the sacrifice of 20million Russians in ww2 this lunatic and his family would not be alive and there would not be an Israel...

The Egypt and Jordan he calls "terrorists" were the only friends they had left in the longer.

The Azov he admits to helping are confirmed Swastika flying Bandera loving Nazis. Do a search for "azon nazi 2014" and you will see 100s or western media articles discussing the Nazis problem and the coup in 2014, suddenly after covid they flipped an dhave now forgotten reality and fact in order to spew propaganda for their masters/funders. Our media only exists to promote war, the news is secondary and just a way to justify advertising.
In ww2 Jews that helped the Nazis and ran some of the camps were called "Kapos", Zelensky is a Kapo, Soros was a proud Kapo.

Not all Jews are Zionist and not all Zionists are Jews, don't fall for the trap.

Israeli MP suspended for anti-war stance
The ethics panel of the Israeli parliament has voted to suspend a left-wing parliament member, Ofer Cassif, for what it deemed as anti-Israel statements following Hamas’s October 7 attack.
Cassif had given an interview in which he accused the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of enacting a plan in Gaza, which he compared with the Nazis’ ‘Final Solution’ against Jews in Europe.
On another occasion, he told foreign media that “Israel wanted this violence”, in reference to the Hamas attack that killed 1,400 Israelis.
According to the Jerusalem Post, Cassif, who represents Hadash, has been suspended for 45 days.
In a social media post, Cassif called the Knesset’s decision “another nail in the coffin of freedom of political expression”.

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