Israel's 9/11: From Urban Moving Systems to Bombing Hospitals and Pissing on Corpses

7 months ago

Apartheid Israel's 15th 9/11

For 9/11 Israel clarity

A growing number of reports indicate Israeli forces responsible for Israeli civilian and military deaths following
October 7 attack
Many details of what transpired on October 7 continue to be shrouded in mystery, including how the 1,400
Israelis who died were killed. A growing number of reports indicate the Israeli military was responsible for
civilian and military deaths.

Opinion | A Brief History of the Netanyahu-Hamas Alliance

For 14 years, Netanyahu's policy was to keep Hamas in power; the pogrom of October 7, 2023,
helps the Israeli prime minister preserve his own rule

The End of Netanyahu
He sold Israelis a story about their safety. It turned out not to be true.

Mohamed Heikal, the Arab world's foremost political commentator (October, 2001).
He also questions whether Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaida network were solely responsible for the September 11 attacks, arguing that the limited evidence so far presented is far from convincing. "Bin Laden does not
have the capabilities for an operation of this magnitude. When I hear Bush talking about al-Qaida as if it was Nazi Germany or the communist party of the Soviet Union, I laugh because I know what is there.
Bin Laden has been under surveillance for years: every telephone call was monitored and al-Qaida has been penetrated by American intelligence, Pakistani intelligence, Saudi intelligence, Egyptian intelligence.

They could not have kept secret an operation that required such a degree of organisation and sophistication."

“Tourists” with cash-stuffed socks, box cutters, and explosives?

Beyond the photos and observed activities of the so-called “Dancing Israelis,” it is worth revisiting several other suspicious circumstances linked to their arrest that clearly show that the men in question were hardly the “tourists” they had claimed to be. One often cited example is the fact that one of the men, Oded Ellner, had a
“white sock-like sack filled with $4,700 in cash,” as well as maps of the city with certain places highlighted, and box cutters. In addition, the van in which the Israelis were arrested was “oddly” lacking “equipment typically used in a moving company’s daily duties,” according to the FBI, and residue of explosives was
found in the van.

The former employee stated that an Israeli employee of
Urban had even once remarked, “Give us twenty years and we’ll take over your media and destroy your country” (page 37 of the FBI report).

Who was behind the Gaza hospital blast – visual investigation

Forensic analysis of the Israeli missile attack on Al Ahli hospital in Gaza which killed 500 people

We may kill "600,000 civilians" in Gaza, suggests Israeli ambassador

Moment Palestinians rescue children from rubble in Gaza

Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem. Asked if she condemned the killing of children in Israeli airstrike

An Al Jazeera digital investigation found no grounds to the Israeli army claim that the strike on the al-Ahli Arab hospital in Gaza was caused by a failed rocket launch.

War on Gaza: Israeli strike damages enclave's oldest church

Israel bombs Greek Orthodox Gaza church sheltering displaced people

Israeli military told director of Al-Quds hospital to evacuate or bear consequences

Al Jazeera Investigation in Israel's Bombing of the Al Ahli Hospital

Was the Gaza hospital attack caused by a failed rocket launch? | Bird’s Eye View

Channel 4 News tonight broadcast the first scientific analysis by Forensic Architecture based at London University that Israel’s ‘evidence’ that Islamic Jihad carried out the horrific bombing the Al-Ahli hospital is as genuine as a 9 bob note.

Israel's Crude Forgery of a Conversation Between 2 Hamas Operatives

Firstly the missile came from the opposite direction to that which Israel alleged – East not South West. Secondly that the ‘conversation’ between two Hamas operatives had been digitally manipulated and consisted of two separate conversations, clearly by two Israeli actors.

Now why should Israel do this if its conscience is clean? If in fact it was a misfiring by Islamic Jihad that caused the explosion that killed 500 people what possible reason is there to employ actors to narrate a fictional conversation?

The Missile that destroyed the Al Ahli Hospital came from the East not the South-West as Israel alleged

Of course the Americans and the BBC are eager to accept the Israeli denial that it deliberately targeted a hospital because they wish to portray the Israeli attack on Gaza as what they say it is, highly selective rather than it being an indiscriminate attack on the civilian population of Gaza.

Why should Israel behave in this way? Because it has ordered Palestinians to vacate northern Gaza and therefore wanted all hospitals to close and not to shelter Palestinian civilians. This is genocide pure and simple.

Channel 4 Investigation of Attack on Al Hilwa Hospital

In a press conference, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, Hosam Naoum, said the al-Ahli al-Arabi Baptist Hospital in Gaza was warned on Saturday, Sunday and Monday by the Israeli army to evacuate. It was then bombed on Tuesday. Clearly the Israelis were becoming impatient with the hospital still functioning and decided to take it out.

Three days before the fatal missile strike the hospital had already been hit. However it is understandable that Israel wants to reassure its gullible Zionist supporters abroad that it was not the culprit and sure enough the BBC and Sky News go to town on Israel’s lies, endorsed by the senile American President Biden and his puppet Sunak.

If there was any doubt about whether Israel has lied then the Al Jazeera investigation tonight lays that doubt to rest. There was only one rocket launched from Gaza that night and it was intercepted. The only party who could have launched the missile on the hospital was Israel and of course they know that.

It comes hot on the heels of Israel’s attack on the Greek Orthodox Church of St Porphyrius, the oldest church in Gaza, some 1600 years old. Once again Palestinian civilians were sheltering in the church assuming that although Israel bombs mosques without qualms it would draw the line at Christian churches.

The reality is that Israel has no red lines when it comes to attacking civilians and civilian infrastructure in Gaza – be it hospitals, schools, churches or mosques. These are multiple war crimes yet Biden, Sunak, Starmer et al. have no hesitation in backing Israel. We are led by war criminals.

Israeli official slams Greta Thunberg after she backs Palestinians in Gaza
‘Whoever identifies with Greta in any way in the future, in my view, is a terror supporter,’ says Israeli army spokesperson.

Israel is a Terrorist State
“Israel has killed over 1000 children, where’s the outrage?”

United States vetoed a United Nations Security Council resolution on Wednesday (October 18) that
would have called for humanitarian pauses in the conflict between Israel and Palestinian Hamas
militants to allow humanitarian aid access to the Gaza Strip. "The council needs to get this right,"
U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, told the 15-member council after the vote.

Israel's long war on Gaza w/Norman Finkelstein | The Chris Hedges Report

Netanyahu & Biden Invoke Post-9/11 Framework to Advocate New War | SYSTEM UPDATE

Israeli forces shot their own civilians, kibbutz survivor says
It happened when Israeli forces engaged in fierce gun battles with Palestinian fighters in Kibbutz Be’eri
and fired indiscriminately at both the fighters and their Israeli prisoners.

BBC programme questions whether Hamas Kfar Aza kibbutz massacre on 7th Oct took place

Gaza: “The situation is catastrophic”
First-person account by Léo Cans, MSF country director, Palestine (based in Jerusalem)

As for MSF, we are very concerned to see that medical facilities have not been spared. One of the hospitals we support was hit by an airstrike and damaged. Another airstrike destroyed an ambulance carrying the wounded, right in front of the hospital where we work. The MSF team, who were operating on a patient, had to leave the hospital in a hurry. We repeat: medical facilities must be respected. This is not something that should have to be negotiated.

‘Bodies all around’ as Israeli air raids hit homes in Khan Younis and Rafah
The bombardment of southern areas continues despite Israel ordering people to move there ahead of an expected ground assault on Gaza.

Hebrew daily Haaretz’s political cartoon stirred controversy by depicting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu flying a plane into one of the World Trade Center towers attacked by al-Qaeda on September 11, 2001.
The cartoon, by the paper’s Amos Biderman, shows the prime minister flying a plane labeled “Israel” into the building, which is flying an American flag. There is no caption explaining the significance of the caricature.

Nelson Mandela: What the South African icon said about Palestine

Scanned letter that Albert Einstein sent to the Stern terror gang when it solicitated him to raise fund in the United stated In the United States, the Stern Gang operated under the title of "American Friends of the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel." Here is Einstein's response written the day after the massacre at Deir Yassin, the same day it was first reported in The New York Times. The original letter is slated to become part of the Deir Yassin Remembered Archives. Pay attention how he referred to them as a Nakba (catastrophe) upon Jews as early as April 10th, 1948

Nelson Mandela’s grandson slams ‘Israeli apartheid’
Zwelivelile Mandela says Israeli apartheid is the worst form of apartheid ever witnessed.

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel
According to Ma'ariv, Netanyahu said Israel is 'benefiting from attack' as it 'swung American public opinion.'

since the Hamas fighters had only been carrying rifles and other small arms, all those victims must have been killed by explosive tank shells and Hellfire missiles. Indeed, newly released video footage revealed that hundreds of Israeli cars had been incinerated by such munitions, suggesting that many or most of the Israelis killed fleeing the dance festival had probably died at the hands of trigger-happy Apache pilots, who reported that they had blasted anything that moved.

Israeli T-Shirts Joke About Killing Arabs
Israeli soldiers wore T-shirts with a pregnant woman in cross-hairs and the slogan "1 Shot 2 Kills," adding to a growing furor in the country over allegations of misconduct by troops during the Gaza war.
"The smaller they are, the harder it is," says another shirt showing
a child in a rifle sight. Soldiers wore the shirts to mark the end
of basic training and other military courses and they were first
reported by the Haaretz daily.

Israel is a Racist, Supremacist State

Israel with white phosphorus in Gaza, video shows

BBC programme questions whether Hamas Kfar Aza kibbutz massacre on 7th Oct took place

BBC programme has raised questions about whether the Hamas massacre at Kfar Aza kibbutz had really taken place.

On Oct 7, around 70 terrorists burst into the kibbutz, a farming community of 750, and murdered scores of residents, including families and babies.

Trending, a programme on BBC Arabic, suggested there were different versions of the story and that even Jeremy Bowen, the corporation’s Middle East editor who went to the scene, was simply repeating what he had been told by Israeli forces.

The original BBC headline said: “Hamas rejects accusations that its gunmen carried out atrocities in the Israeli Kfar Aza village.”

The headline was later changed before the entire report was removed from the BBC website, and later from YouTube.

Apartheid Israel (the coloniser) bombed a hospital in Gaza killing at least 500 civilians

'When Genocide is Permissible' article removed from The Times of Israel website
The post by Yochanan Gordon argued that Hamas must be "completely obliterated"

DANGEROUS: Embracing bin Laden's 9/11 Theory to Target Civilians in Israel-Gaza War | SYSTEM UPDATE

How the New York Times Mythologizes US-Israeli Relations
1960s, Six-Day War Israeli fighter planes bombed USSLiberty

Operation Susannah:False Flag Terrorism
9 Egyptian-Jewish Unit131 agents bomb UK / US targets to turn US/UK against GamalAbdulNasser
Israel defence minister ordered 1954 explosions that hit US, UK targets in Egypt

US aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower will be the sacrificial lamb to start the war with Iran.
Is an old ship on its way to the scrap yard, a target with no defense against modern anti aircraft
carriers missiles which Iran has. It was sent on purpose so US can have a reason to fully enter the war

'Hollywood Producer Was an Israeli Nuclear Agent'

According to a new biography, Arnon Milchan, close friend of Israeli prime ministers and Hollywood stars,
was recruited by Shimon Peres to purchase equipment for Israel's alleged nuclear program.

Israeli businessman and Hollywood producer Arnon Milchan was a longtime weapons dealer and Israeli intelligence agent who purchased equipment for Israel's alleged nuclear program

CONFIRMED: Netanyahu ordered the Israeli military to STAND DOWN for 7 HOURS during the Hamas invasion.

I sat down with Jewish Charity leader, Cecily Routman, who received intel directly from her Israeli Rabbi and other top level government sources.

While I do not agree with equating the Palestinians to “rabid dogs”, I understand why Israel wanted Gaza completely wiped from the face of the earth- they only needed a reason to do so, or else the UN would have intervened due to the war crimes and genocide.

It wouldn’t be the first time a nation’s leaders sacrificed their own citizens to start a war.

Maybe it really is Israel’s 9/11.

Israeli soldier pushes war crimes on CNN
Israeli soldier Betzalel Taljah in an interview Tuesday with CNN’s Abby Phillip made a clear call for war crimes against Palestinian civilians with no pushback from Phillip or the network in the days since.
“the war is not just with Hamas, the war [is] with all the civilians.”

Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, international spokesperson for the Israel Defense Forces, joins ABC News

Remembering the Zionists’ assassination of UN Palestine mediator Count Bernadotte
Bernadotte was most notably known for securing the release of thousands of prisoners from Nazi concentration camps during World War II

Egypt warned Israel three days before Hamas massacre - US congressman
"We're not quite sure how we missed it. We're not quite sure how Israel missed it," said the US House Foreign Affairs chair. By JERUSALEM POST STAFF
OCTOBER 11, 2023

Bombshell filing: 9/11 hijackers were CIA recruits

9/11 Research
9/11 Truth
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth
Complete 9/11 Timeline

Genocide Unfolding

Tonight has been the most violent bombardment of Gaza so far, notably concentrated on precisely the areas into which Israel ordered the population to evacuate. I find it almost impossible to believe that this genocide is under way with the active support of almost all western governments.

“Mossad Could Stage False Flag Attack On U.S.” – 09/10/01 U.S. Army Report

10th September 2001 - An elite U.S. Army study center has devised a plan for enforcing a major Israeli-Palestinian peace accord
that would require about 20,000 well-armed troops stationed throughout Israel and a newly created Palestinian state.

68-page paper by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS) does provide a look at the daunting
task any international peacekeeping force would face if the United Nations authorized it, and Israel and
the Palestinians ever reached a peace agreement.

Of the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence service, the SAMS officers say: "Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning.
Has capability to target U.S. forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act."

(Video not suitable for under 18's has images of war)

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