7 months ago

Please share this video. #IAMRACIST because I am NORMAL, MORAL, and HEALTHY.

My name is Winston Smith. I am here to tell you that racism is normal, moral, and healthy.
In the current West there exists a truth so taboo, that if a person states it, no amount of money, political influence, or social influence, can stop the swift total destruction of his membership in society.
The taboo truth is this: Racism is normal, moral, and healthy.
I state again, the truth is that racism is moral, normal, and healthy.
This fact is relevant because its suppression is very clearly destroying Western civilization, and the white race itself.
Now then, what is racism? Surely this thing so powerful and feared must have been defined and explored a long time ago. It has not. For a profoundly sinister reason I’ll discuss in a moment, the political left has prevented society from defining any fixed definition for the term “racism.”
It is accepted without question that racism is immoral. OK then, is it racist to prefer a spouse of one’s own race? If so, then how can everyone be morally exempt from marrying within one’s race? China and Japan explicitly state in their government literature that they guard against immigration from other races, yet no one condemns this maximum racism. What could be greater proof of the inconsistency of the moral condemnation of racism than this? Behold that it is only in the West that the taboo exists. In the East the taboo exists nowhere, and they have complete racial harmony.
So then, because the political left has denied any fixed definition of racism, I will very reasonably define the word “racism”: Racism is the instinctive perception of other human races as fundamentally different, and to some extent repugnant.
What is the root of this racism instinct? It is the phenomenon seemingly present in all life, called biological altruism. I will explain…
The fundamental biological truth of life is an eternal competition between DNA to survive, evolve, and proliferate. A deeper investigation reveals there is more to this truth. In a common sociological experiment subjects view a variety of organisms then list them in the order they would save each from death. Invariably they select an order like this: nuclear offspring, nuclear family member, distant family member, monkey, deer, squirrel, lizard, flower, and fungus. Thus, this experiment adds to our initial premise: because DNA is able to recognize foreign DNA similar to itself, and because DNA’s fundamental nature is a striving to endure, DNA behaves altruistically to foreign DNA in proportion to how similar is the foreign DNA to itself. In other words, all animals prefer to comingle with and champion DNA closest to their own. This phenomenon is biological altruism, and its validity is so evident that to deny it really is insanity. Behold the same-species clustering of mammals, reptiles, fish, even insects. Behold the mutual championing of siblings. Behold the common occurrence of a parent of most any species sacrificing its life for its offspring—the future of its DNA.
And thus, because biological altruism, a synonym for racism, is both natural and normal, and is in itself non-violent, it must be deemed moral and healthy.
Now, this does not mean that natural normal healthy people, in other words, racists, cannot get along with those of other races, or even have best friends of other races. Healthy people, in other words, racists, get along just fine with those of other races, as is proven each moment by normal peaceful and enjoyable interaction between members of different races. This tension-free racist dynamic is best compared to the interaction of a stranger within a family house—The family prefers and prioritizes the other family members over the stranger, and the family feels hostile if the stranger negatively affects the family members, or family culture in the house, yet the family has no negative feelings for the stranger. The family probably feels positive feelings to the stranger, but these positive feelings are definitely subordinate to the feelings for the family and the preservation of the culture inside this family house. This is exactly biological altruism in action, and to deny its dynamic is unquestionably insane.
Ponder what should be obvious—100% of all healthy humans on Earth have always have been racist, are now racist, and always will be racist because, of course, racism is as normal, moral, and healthy as is love, fear, lust, curiosity, or any other basic instinct. It was only during the 1960’s communist inspired fatefully dubious American civil rights movement that, overnight, racism suddenly became something immoral; and the taboo only began oppressive dominance with the 2008 election of Barak Obama that ushered in a grotesque new era of cultural communism. In other words, it seems that the power of this bogeyman of being labeled racist is so strong, that of course it must have existed since the beginning of time, yet the simplest examination reveals that it is a very new vogue, and only exists in a small part of the Earth’s geography, namely the United States, Canada, and Europe—in other words, the homelands of the white race. As we will see, this is no coincidence.
Is racism inconvenient? Absolutely. Is racism antagonistic to equal compassion for other races? Absolutely racism is antagonistic to equal compassion for other races, but this does not mean the healthy person, meaning the racist, cannot have compassion for those of other races. It simply means the compassion is less than that of his race—his extended family.
Does racism occasionally lead to violence? Definitely both healthy and unhealthy racism can lead to violence. Unhealthy racism exists when there does not exist a normal level of compassion. As discussed, a healthy person gets along fine with a person of a different race. If for any reason someone has not a reservoir of normal compassion and tolerance, he may commit violent racist acts that cannot be justified with reasonable morality.
Now, healthy racism can definitely lead to morally unclear or actually justified violence as well. An example of morally justified racial violence is when a foreign race, armed or unarmed, invades a homeland, and the native race has no political or social means to stop the invasion. In this case, in order to satisfy the race’s most fundamental healthy biological altruism, which in turn prevents the race from extinction, the homeland native race instinctively uses violence to repel the invasion. Of course this is a moral response- nothing could be more obvious to a clear-minded person than that physical violence is maximally justified when necessary to protect ones homeland. Yet, a person who has not responsibly explored this situation, but instead makes all decisions based on the positive reinforcement of a dopamine high attained from an abused compassion reflex, will dismiss this violence as immoral. It is definitely not immoral. I will repeat: In the case that a native race’s homeland is suffering armed or unarmed invasion, and there exists no political or social remediation, of course violence is acceptable. In what other situation could violence be more warranted than to repel an invasion of one’s homeland—the destruction of one’s DNA and amniotic fluid of culture? Never forget that nothing is more self-evident than the fact that a race of people, an altruistic grouping of same DNA, has a maximal right to live amongst themselves, to defend their native DNA and its amniotic fluid of culture. If one denies this self-evident maximal right then let him explain his case. I say again: If one denies this self-evident maximal right then let him explain his case.
Now that we understand the truth of biological altruism, we can see that cultural-Marxist multicultural societies MUST always generate intractable psychological suffering against the dominant native race because the dominant race’s rights and culture are aggressively politically and socially oppressed to the point that physical rebellion becomes the only recourse left for the native race. Currently within the total of white homelands-- The United States and Europe, whites are so severely oppressed by being unallowed to vocally express the utterly visible elimination of their culture and living space (which is directly defined as genocide, as I will fully define in a moment), that a clear-minded white is inescapably riddled with anxiety, depression, resentment, and intractable justified anger. Of course, this leads to violence as it obviously should. What cause could possibly be more justified for violence than defense against genocide? Will any Democrat attempt to answer this-- What cause could possibly be more justified for violence than defense against genocide? The only question is- Is there any alternative to stop the white genocide besides violence? Exactly this question is what MUST immediately be answered, because the time for this question actually may have already passed. If there is any realistic case at all stating a non-violent alternative to stop the very very clearly evident complete invasion of white homelands, and with it the destruction of the white race and its culture, this case needs to be stated immediately, and I do mean immediately.
To complete this point, it is required that I now state the literal definition of genocide. I will first recite the definition of genocide as stated by the term’s inventor: Raphael Lemkin...
“Generally speaking, genocide does not necessarily mean the immediate destruction of a nation, except when accomplished by mass killings of all members of a nation. It is intended rather to signify a coordinated plan of different actions aiming at the destruction of essential foundations of the life of national groups, with the aim of annihilating the groups themselves. The objectives of such a plan would be the disintegration of the political and social institutions of culture, language, national feelings, religion, and the economic existence of national groups, and the destruction of the personal security, liberty, health, dignity, and even the lives of the individuals belonging to such groups.”

Here are four more critical definitions of genocide:

United Nations General Assembly— “Any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life, calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and] forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

John Cox-- “Genocide differs from other mass crimes against humanity and atrocities by its ambition. Genocide aims to not only eliminate individual members of the targeted group but to destroy the group’s ability to maintain its social and cultural cohesion and, thus, its existence as a group. Because perpetrators very rarely provide explicit statements of genocidal intent, this intent can be uncovered by examining policies, actions, and outcomes, as well as the guiding ideology.”

Henry Huttenbach—“Genocide is any act that puts the very existence of a group in jeopardy.”
Irving Louis Horowitz-- “…a systematic effort over time to liquidate a national population, usually a minority…[and] functions as a fundamental political policy to assure conformity and participation of the citizenry.”

Tony Barta-- “…genocidal society—as distinct from a genocidal state—is one in which the bureaucratic apparatus might officially be directed to protect innocent people but in which a whole race is nevertheless subject to remorseless pressures of destruction inherent in the very nature of the society.”

Now that we have explored the definition of “racism,” and touched upon the dynamic of oppression of the native dominant race in a cultural Marxism infected society that has now led to a clearly verifiable undeniably explicit genocide of the white race, what is this previously-mentioned force that has disallowed the white people from statically defining the term “racism” or investigating its origin?… It is the force of the political left, who in the United States are the members of the Democrat political party. Why would the Democrats want to prevent something so obviously helpful as achieving a fixed definition of the term “racism”? Because unlike anyone intellectually healthy, meaning one who can think morally and reasonably such as past Democrats before the 2008 inauguration of president Barak Obama, the modern Democrat is very clearly a communist, meaning he is no longer guided by anything rational. The modern Democrat’s communist goal gives him no motivation to clarify social issues, it is the contrary. Very clearly revealed by modern Democrat policies, a modern Democrat’s goal is to progress to the idea of a communist utopia in which the people of the world are a single commune where exists no borders, no races, no inequality of anything, and most of all no ideas that would question the morality of the communist utopia itself. Of course, to anyone sane this Democrat idea of utopia is the supreme of all horrors, yet today’s Democrats are very clearly these communists, and to every sane person’s horror, their every increasing hellish culture now dominates the West. The challenge of proving the existence of this current communist hell is not that one must seek factual examples, it is the opposite—because the current Western culture is so maximally culturally communist in every way, the challenge is to explain to the average citizen that he is actually spellbound, brainwashed, enchanted in believing that his current culture is normal when it is the literal opposite of normal-- it is a communist hell in which natural freedom of thought and choice and liberty are appallingly oppressed. Nothing is clearer to a current sane intellect than that currently he is utterly forbidden to freely investigate social and political concepts, freely choose his beliefs, or freely live as he wishes. In today’s West you MUST think, choose, and live as Democrats demand, or they will utterly destroy you. This is exactly communist group-think totalitarianism. I will state this again: In today’s West you MUST think, choose, and live as Democrats demand, or they will utterly destroy you. This is exactly communist group-think totalitarianism.
So then, in order for this Democrat communist utopia to be possible at all, it is implicitly required that, not only all races have no instinctive repugnant feelings for each other, but critically that all races are equally intelligent, and have the same restraint from violence; if this was not the true biological state of all races, the utopia would be definitively impossible to achieve because less intelligent and more violent races would, by definition, never be able to achieve organic equality no matter what social programs were implemented. Sadly and inconveniently yet maximally scientifically conclusively, all-faceted overwhelming evidence proves that different races have dramatically different IQs and tendencies toward violence. (Please research for yourself the comprehensive exhaustive evidence of race-realism.) Through an epic and fully documented investigation over a century, it has been proven that Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 112, Asians of 106, whites of 100, Central and South Americans of 91, and Africans of 85. Here are just two of countless corroborations of this fact: In 2018 the median US household income was approximately $129,000 for Jews, $87,000 for Asians, $71,000 for whites, $51,000 for Hispanics, and $41,000 for blacks. Out of a survey of 16,000 US high-schools, 16,000 schools reported that Asians achieved better grades than whites, and 16,000 schools revealed that whites achieved better grades than blacks.
Furthermore, it has been proven that blacks have on average more testosterone which, in addition to their critically debilitating low IQs, makes them more prone to violence.
This very deeply proven truth of race-realism makes the Democrat communist utopia directly impossible to achieve because these brown and black races are conclusively unable to create the advanced and harmonious societies that can the Jewish, Asian, and white races. As can be seen everywhere on Earth, the discussed Brown and especially Black races, in their own habitats, produce technologically and socially primitive societies in which the hallmark characteristics are violence, and poverty. (As a brief aside, to squelch the leftist argument in which they point to the rarest instances of seemingly first world African settings— please discover for yourself the non-brown and black races of the architects of the noteworthy structures, and where came the money for these structures. In short, browns and especially blacks are very clearly incapable of intellectually competing with the lighter skinned races.

So then, because the survival of the modern Democrat ego is fully dependent on the realistic validity of their communist utopia, Democrats MUST, and I do mean 100% at all costs MUST hide, even from themselves, the maximally obvious realities of biological altruism as well as race-realism, or their all-defining psychological universe would explode. The way they hide these realities is to implicitly refuse the existence of a clear definition of the phenomena of racism or its origin, because to allow any fixed definition or research of “racism” would allow it to be investigated and undeniably concluded that browns and especially blacks are incapable of achieving anything close to financial or social success relative to the other races. Of course the unfortunate plain truth is always in broad daylight-- the brown and especially black races are incomprehensible burdens to the white and other races in every way—financially, socially, criminally. In the name of sanity, this truth must be repeated-- There is no more utterly obvious societal truth than that the brown and especially black races are incomprehensible burdens to the white and other races in every way—financially, socially, criminally.
Because this clearest truth is must completely destroy to the Democrat psyche, it is exactly natural that they rabidly silence any mention of it. Behold just three examples of the Democrat’s ruthless character assassination of any who tries to clarify the issue of racism…
James Watson, the Nobel laureate discoverer of the DNA helix, was immediately removed from society when he made a race-realist claim. Democrats forced the cancellation of his publicity tour, removed his 40-year tenure at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, and stripped him of all his honorary titles.
Democrats forced The University of Chicago to suddenly cease pursuit of a 2005 patent for professor Bruce Lahn’s biological test confirming superior levels of intelligence through a presence of genes abundant in Europeans and rare in Africans. When questioned on his university’s motive for withdrawal, Lahn replied, “It’s getting too controversial… society will have to grapple with some very difficult facts.”
In 2018, The Democrats removed University of Pennsylvania law professor Amy Wax from her freshman classes because, when specifically questioned on the downsides of affirmative action, she stated, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a black student graduate in the top quarter of the class, and rarely, rarely in the top half.”

So then, because this very deeply proven, and very obvious truth of race realism shatters the Democrats’ reason for being, Democrats must maintain a terribly evil lie to maintain the possibility of their utopia—they relentlessly assert that the success of the white race compared to the brown and black races is because whites oppress the brown and black races. Simple logic concludes that the consequence of this lie must necessarily be an empirically confirmable white genocide.
Behold this maximally explicit genocidal confirmation strategy from the words of Democrat Harvard Professor Noel Ignatiev’s teachings… quote “There can be no white race without the phenomenon of white supremacy. …The task is to bring this minority together in such a way that it makes it impossible for the legacy of whiteness to continue to reproduce itself… Treason to whiteness is loyalty to humanity.” In other words, explicit white genocide.
And now note how Democrats have so monstrously weaponized this term “white supremacy”-- By conflating the white population’s maximally self-evident right to have their culture saturate their ethnic homelands, with the term “white supremacy,” which is defined as (quote) “the belief that the white race is inherently superior to other races and that white people should have control over people of other races.”, whites are now not only stripped of expressing their biological altruism through social preference, but they are directly unable to grow or even maintain their cultural expression, they must even partake in its destruction or else they are again branded as irredeemably immoral. All their media, their culture, and history is being aggressively removed.
Whites in all their homelands—America and Europe, are socially forbidden from creating their natural white media. Note how ridiculous it would be to demand Mexicans, or Chinese, or Africans to not create their natural racial media in their own homelands—to socially forbid them to express promote and enjoy the occurrence of their people and culture within their movies, television shows, books, music, awards events, and everything else.

Now that we have reasonably defined “racism”, investigated its source of biological altruism, and noted the motivation of Democrats to hide the moral, normal, and healthy essence of racism, we can now appreciate that the Democrats have created clearly, far-and-away and without exaggeration, the most evil psychological weapon in world history. Similar to how the AIDS virus strips the body’s immune system from being able to defend itself from death, the “racism/white-supremacy” weapon strips the white race’s natural and only immunity from defending itself from genocide. If a white person shows even a hint of his biological altruism, he is financially and socially destroyed with the label “racist”. If he shows even a hint of wanting to preserve the amniotic fluid of his culture, he is financially and socially destroyed with the term “white supremacist”. In other words, aggressive explicitly defined and confirmed white genocide cannot be resisted in any social or political way.
And right now in the white homeland of the United States the final implementation of white genocide is in progress-- Democrat president Joe Biden has adopted a policy of a 100% wide-open US border. This directly treasonous and genocidal lack of border enforcement has been engineered to allow the brown and black races with their vastly greater numbers to invade- Biden gleefully admitted exactly this. Before becoming president Biden stated, “the [immigration] wave still continues. It’s not gonna stop, nor should we want it to stop… Folks like me who are Caucasian of European descent, for the first time… we’ll be in an absolute minority in the United States of America, absolute minority. Fewer than 50% of the people in America from then and on will be white European stock.” Biden has followed through to make reality his explicit genocidal statement-- in less than three years a over 8,000,000 blacks and browns have invaded, ponder how large is the actual number of perhaps more than 16,000,000. Ponder that number of non-European people invading America. These invaders have stolen the white living space, are destroying its amniotic fluid of culture, and are fast bankrupting its economy with hundreds of billions of dollars in free shelter and food and medical care. And of course, the Democrat mainstream media outlets refuse to report it. (Please right now go to CNN.com, MSNBC.com, NYT.com and confirm yourself.)
United States movies, television shows, commercials, retail media, sporting events, awards shows, popular music is all forcibly dominated by non-whites with anti-white narratives. Inside the white homeland white literature is being either portrayed with brown or black characters, or simply erased from academic curriculum. Inside the white homeland white students are deeply discriminated against when applying to schools and universities founded by their forefathers, as are white adults in businesses founded by their white forefathers. Inside the white homeland whites cannot socially defend themselves against browns or blacks regardless the circumstances. Inside white homelands whites cannot resist mobs tearing down the statues of their heroes. Inside white homelands white police cannot protect whites against the extreme violence of browns and especially blacks. Inside the white homelands, the justice system that whites created deny whites justice when their stores are looted by browns or especially blacks, their property is damaged or stolen by browns or especially blacks, or they are raped or murdered by browns or especially blacks. Such examples are everyday countless.

In Europe the advanced state of white cultural and biological genocide is the same. Through wide open borders flood millions upon millions of uneducated and evidently savage browns and blacks. Once the greatest city on Earth, London, England is culturally unrecognizable. Whites now have nowhere on Earth to express or experience the harmony that they naturally produce and psychologically need. The leftists, imbued with such heinous sickening evil, have achieved their explicit white genocidal goal by flooding the once beautiful white homelands with tens of millions of deeply foreign, low IQ, violent browns and blacks. Theft, vandalism, and especially rape of white women by brown and black men is now epidemic. These facts are not just verifiable, they are daily inescapable.

Do you now see how ghastly evil are Democrats? Do you now see that Democrats are unimaginably incomprehensibly horrific monsters? Honestly please tell me, has the world ever seen such frightening nightmarish psychological evil as the Democrats genocidal manipulation of the concepts of “racism” and “white-supremacy”? This is called literal confirmable aggressive genocide. It is so obvious that to attempt to debate against it is preposterous.
Now listen up, there is only one way out of this genocide. ONE. (pause) The way to stop the white genocide is for the masses to state the truth to break the taboo. The masses must state: RACISM IS NORMAL MORAL AND HEALTHY.
I will say this all-critical conclusion again: The only way out of this white genocide is to state: RACISM IS NORMAL MORAL AND HEALTHY.
ONLY by breaking the taboo, can we break the abominably evil Democrat white-genocide technology.
Of course, it is the white race that has everything at stake, but all moral people of every race clearly have a responsibility to join in the breaking of this terrible Democrat genocidal taboo. All moral people have a responsibility to state the truth that RACISM IS NORMAL, MORAL and HEALTHY.
Let’s get the hashtag trending #IAMRACIST. This hashtag is both provocative and true.
White people, rise up as is your most basic human right! White people, stop the Democrat’s sickening evil from destroying your parents, brother, sisters, sons and daughters. White people, you have a right to survive your extremely clear extermination! It is evil, pure maximal EVIL that within your white homelands you are not allowed to live amongst only your white selves, create and marinade in exclusively your own racial expression. It is EVIL, pure maximal EVIL that within your white homelands you are not allowed to fight with any and all means necessary against foreign invaders! How deeply sick must white societies have become that I must state these most obvious self-evident truths? Whites, you have literally MAXIMAL moral right to preserve and defend the genetic makeup of your homeland! Jesus, wake up! THERE IS NO GREATER HUMAN RIGHT THAN TO DEFEND YOU RACE FROM GENOCIDE. I repeat: Whites, you have no greater right than to defend the genetic makeup of your homeland. Whites, there is nothing in the universe more moral than your right to expel non-whites from your homelands by any means necessary. This is exactly called racism, normal moral and healthy racism that God has imbued in you exactly so that you can survive! NOTHING IS MORE HEALTHY THAN TO ACT ON THIS RACISM THAT EXISTS MOST OF ALL TO PREVENT YORU GENOCIDE. Our race would never have survived without our critical racism, and as you can see, the white race will definitely not survive without your public vocal white racism.
IT IS CLEARLY THAT SIMPLE—IF YOU DON’T DEFEND YOURSELF BY DECLARING YOUR NORMAL MORAL AND HEALTHY GOD GIVEN RACISM, WHITES WILL BE ERADICATED FROM THE EARTH. This is the way it always has been, and always will be. Wake up! Wake up! The sickeningly evil monstrous Democrats have brainwashed you so deeply, that you are silently experiencing your maximally evident genocide. Stand up now, right now, for your family, for the legacy handed to you over thousands of years from your loving forefathers to your beautiful deserving hopeful children.
You MUST fight against this particular so terrible psychological genocidal evil. And the ONLY, and I do mean ONLY way to fight this evil is to very clearly state the greatest moral truth that RACISM IS NORMAL, MORAL, AND HEALTHY.
Watch how I fight against maximal evil-- My name is Winston Smith and I am racist because I am normal, moral and healthy. Democrat pure evil has no power over me.
My name is Winston Smith and I am racist because I am normal, moral and healthy. Democrat pure evil has no power over me.
Destroy the genocidal evil. State it often, loud and proud.
Racism is normal, moral, and healthy.
Racism is normal, moral, and healthy.
My name is Winston Smith, and I am racist because I am normal, moral, and healthy. Democrat pure evil has no power over me.

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