Freemason Not Allowed in Arkansas Lodge

4 months ago

Mark Reeder, a dedicated Freemason and a Grand Lodge officer in the state of Kansas, has had a remarkable masonic journey that began in the tranquil state of Arkansas. He came from a long line of masons, and the values of brotherhood and community service were deeply ingrained in his family's history.

Mark's journey into Freemasonry in Arkansas was filled with a sense of tradition and reverence. He joined a lodge that had been a beacon of light in the community for generations, and the principles of morality, ethics, and fellowship resonated strongly with him. As he progressed through the degrees, he found a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in the teachings of the Craft.

However, as Mark's masonic path continued to unfold, so did a period of turmoil within the Masonic community of Arkansas. Differences in beliefs and practices led to divisions and tensions among the lodges, making the Masonic journey a challenging one from the stand point he could not sit in a Masonic Lodge in Arkansas for a time. Mark, committed to the ideals of Freemasonry, faced the daunting task of navigating this turbulent period.

Amid the strife, Mark found solace and inspiration in the stories passed down through his masonic family history. He drew strength from the legacy of his forebears, who had weathered similar storms within the fraternity. Their unwavering commitment to the Craft served as a guiding light, motivating Mark to stand by his principles and work towards unity and harmony within the Masonic community.

One of the most significant moments in Mark's Masonic journey was when he had the opportunity to join the Order of the Eastern Star.
This organization allowed him to share the masonic experience with his beloved mother, who had been a dedicated member for many years. Sitting together in the Eastern Star lodge, they found a unique connection that transcended generations and genders, uniting them in their love for the principles of Freemasonry.

Mark Reeder's story is a testament to the enduring power of Masonic values and the strength of familial bonds within the fraternity. Through both the challenges and the joys of his journey, he remained committed to upholding the principles of brotherhood, unity, and service that had been passed down through his family for generations.

#Freemasonry #freemason #Freemasons #easternstar

This podcast reflects the views of only the members participating in the podcast. They do not necessarily reflect the views of their Lodge, Shrine Center or Grand Lodge Jurisdiction.

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