7 months ago

When we are at the height of our chess prowess we don't know it because like a morning fog our peak chess performance will, eventually, dissipate. I have been a fan of many top level chess players and over time they come and go. Some hang in there till death parts them from playing the best moves of their lives, in the game of life and in the game of chess. Viktor Korchnoi was one of these amazing players that was always dangerous, right on up until the end of his life.

With GM Magnus having shrugged off playing for the World Title and thus forfeiting it, with him becoming a stickler for match play that requires less effort and less preparation from him, with complaints about tournament player conditions and anti-cheating protocols are we watching his very bright star fade from the chess firmament? He has burned oh so brightly too.

With more standard time control losses and fewer Over the Board standard time control wins is Magnus losing his "magic touch" at the chessboard. I hope not. But the fact remains: He has lost more games this year than he has in any one year over the time he has been World Champion. I hope, as a fan, that he decides to endure the stress and do it all again. That is to get back out there and win the title and then defend it one last time. However the chess crown ways heavy.


GM Alisher Suleymenov versus Magnus Carlsen
Qatar Masters Chess Open, Round 2, 10.12.2023

1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 e6 3. Nf3 b6 4. a3 Ba6 5. Qc2 Bb7 6. Nc3 c5 7. e4 cxd4 8. Nxd4 Bc5 9. Nf3 Nc6 10. b4 Be7 11. Bb2 Qb8 12. Rd1 O-O 13. Be2 d6 14. O-O Rc8 15. Rfe1 Bf8 16. Bf1 Ne7 17. Nb5 Ne8 18. Ng5 Ng6 19. e5 d5 20. Qb3 Be7 21. Nxf7 Kxf7 22. cxd5 Bxd5 23. Rxd5 exd5 24. Qxd5+ Kf8 25. Nd4 Nf4 26. Qf3 Kg8 27. Qxf4 Qb7 28. Nf5 b5 29. Bxb5 Bf8 30. Bc4+ Kh8 31. Nh6 Resigns 1-0

Thanks for watching and be safe out there. ~ S.

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