We Helped Paralyzed Dogs Run Again

7 months ago

so I sent Darren and Dan to Thailand a
country of more than 2 million stray
dogs with the plan that will help
Michael proceed and sustain saving
thousands and thousands of dollars
lives from the very first time I saw
Michael on the outside he looks like a
really tough guy with a lot of tattoos
from the moment I saw him interacting
with the dogs I knew how kind and gentle
and loving he actually is when we have
to turn away an animal in need it feels
horrible because we don't have enough
space we don't have enough manpower so
we try our best best with the things we
have Michael started this shelter 12
years ago after finding a starving dog
behind his restaurant since then he has
gone on to save thousands of dogs in
Need by providing emergency medical care
food shelter and even wheelchairs he is
currently doing so with next to no
resources his makeshift rescue van keeps
breaking down his dog feeding truck is
infested with and he doesn't have the
necessary medical equipment to save more
than one dog at a time which brings us
to Goya the last dog that he was able to
rescue and house in the
shelter so We rescued Goya she was hit
by car and broke her spine today we are
about to stra her in her own wheelchair
and we will see her run for the first
time from that moment that gate
opens those dogs just go tearing out of
there and you can see that they're free
and they're happy and they running down
the road and they're just being like
dogs are meant to
dogs are completely dedicated to us but
sometimes we fail them and it's people
like Michael that step up and do the
really really hard work and after
witnessing Gua run and the Joy on her
face we wanted to find out so much more
about what Michael does for the dogs on
a daily basis we have the Care Unit
where we have about 90 dogs with special
needs blind dogs paralyzed older dogs B
do physiotherapy B do hydrotherapy three
times a week over and above the 750 dogs
we have at the shelter we also feed and
monitor 400 stray dogs on the street
daily so we decideed to follow Michael
on his daily feeding trip we're on our
way to Buddha eight legs where we feed
around 70 of the 400 stray dogs that we
safe to say it was way more challenging
than Darren expected I believe that all
the dogs are scared of Darren cuz every
time he tries to feed a dog they run
away not every
dog look at that one dogs like
me you go that way I'll go this way
let's Corner him that will work
we got
one we were really touched by the effort
and devotion Michael puts into this so
we decided to go beyond just giving
money to the shelter and doing so much
more so Dan snuck off with Chris one of
the employees while we revealed the
first big surprise to Michael building
an entirely new Wing to the shelter
which will make it possible for him to
open his doors again and house more than
300 new
dogs as well as cover the cost of
thousands of dogs food for an entire
year oh wow wow wow wow that's amazing
cop as Michael was taking this all in it
gave Dan the time to fetch a brand new
state of the anesthetic gash machine
which he had in Michael's decrepit
ambulance Darren then distracted Michael
while Dan and Chris got the final
surprise ready Chris and now are on our
way to fish the brand new
track BR spanking new
it was finally time to surprise Michael
Darren led him to the yellow ambulance
that had the anesthetic machine in it
Chris and I are waiting right now for a
text message from the team back at the
office and they're going to let us know
when to drive the car in for the big
surprise this is going to be so exciting
well the minivan I had already show that
you no come
this is said we just got the text to
come is this one of your people
no that's not one of our
people what the hell are you doing in
myel me
car no you
wow we need an ambulance and this is the
best they have that's actually not the
best they have we buying in ambulance
too no you're talking no we really
are it's people like Michael that give
Humanity a little more hope what are we
waiting for let's go for a all right all
right man thank
you huge thanks to the people at House
of macademia for helping us make it
possible to to transform this dog
shoulder until now macadamias have been
the world's most expensive nut because
they are by far the best tasting nut
they have incredible health benefits
that make avocados and other superf
Foods jealous it's the only nut with the
mega 7 that helps with weight loss and
collagen production for your skin and
hair thanks to House of macademia
macadamia nuts are now affordable and
come in a wide range of incredible
products my favorite is their chocolate
covered macadamias with zero sugar all
natural ingredients they are vegan paleo
and keto they're crazy thing is these
taste even better than the sugar loaded
Alternatives and not only did they
sponsor this video but they're taking it
one step further and they're donating
all the profits from every sale in this
video to Beast philanthropy so click the
link at the top of the description use
code Beast to try out their macadamia
nuts and also support our charity for a
limited time they are also giving every
single order a free box of chocolate
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click the link in the description and
try it right now as in p important as
animals have been to me my entire life
and as important as I know that they are
to Dan when I saw the clip on social
media there was no doubt in either of
our minds how much this project means to
both of us I think to every person
that's ever had a pet they understand
how special a pets are and for Dan as
well as myself Dan had a dog that passed
away about a year ago for both of us
this is an incredibly special project
and I hope that this video is a tribute
to every person who's ever had an animal
Michael decided to name the new wing of
the shelter in honor of Dan's dog Joe
this is
where just because all of you watch this
channel we've been able to help tens of
thousands of people and I want you to
know I genuinely appreciate it and if
you want to support us Beyond just
watching these videos click the Donate
button below the video go to Beast
philanthropy. org or just share this
video with some of your friends also
subscribe or I'll hunt you down and kill

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