Stand4THEE Parent Info Zoom - Oct 24 2023

7 months ago

Parents, Protect Your Children!

Parents, do you know what your child is being taught in school? Do you know that the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification, a UN initiated program, is being implemented in schools across Canada? Do you know that the schools are brining in adult centric content and themes into the classrooms at an early age? Most parents are left in the dark as educators are overstepping in their role.

Despite what the school system wants you to believe, you can take control back and you do so through accountability.

We have put together information and actions parents can take to prevent their child from being exposed to content that is inappropriate or from discriminatory practices. You can find that HERE

Join us on the 24th to learn more and to connect with other concerned parents to take action!

Join us on our social channels!

DISCLAIMER: All content on this site is for general information only, and should not be construed as legal advice.

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