A holistic #transformation is needed for the planet to accommodate people's pursuit of well-being.

7 months ago

A new study by an international team of researchers explores a #Planetary Social #Pedagogy (PSP) theory as a driver of a transformative process based on a learning society. #PSP integrates the fragmented life orientation by uniting the three dimensions of everyday life: spatial, #temporal, and #ethical. It is a cyclical learning process that alternates between cognitive, #metacognitive, and epistemic levels of learning and brings together rational knowledge, values, and the experience of reality to build an integrated social-ecological worldview and empower people to act.

Escalating #planetary #crises, such as climate change, depletion of natural resources, and the human-induced sixth mass extinction, pose increasing demands on pursuing a good life. As the planet is reaching its limits, old perceptions of well-being are being questioned. A holistic #transformation is needed for the planet to accommodate people's pursuit of well-being.

The #Theory of Planetary Social Pedagogy is a way of learning applicable to all societal sectors. According to it, people, societies, and the world are an interlinked, systemic entity. Such a #worldview can make life meaningful, increase people's experiences of belonging and inclusion, expand the scope of care, and help people identify their opportunities to influence.

In a time marked by #crises, #learning to be one with the world is increasingly essential. #People are constantly connected to their surrounding reality through #food, air, and the air they breathe. The current #political #strategy for a sustainable future emphasizes economic and technological progress, but learning is also needed. A learning society relies on changes in citizens' values, beliefs, and worldviews.

The #transformative power of a #learning #society can be a key factor in the green transformation permeating all society, where citizens' consumer behavior and ways of living, moving, and producing food and energy are organized in new ways. Conceptions of work and the economy can also be reformed.

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