. The initiator must be willing to let go

7 months ago

The waves are cresting as we move towards the shore. The winds are pushing us closer and closer to our destiny. The resistance is firm but will break away into pieces shattered into millions of tiny spots of nothingness. The winds of change circle around the central eye of the hurricane which is a vortex we are opening. Six million will come to this game to play. We are the first group, the authentic ones, bringing forth the opening of the dimensional veil into a new reality. The veil between the third and fourth Dimensions is being collapsed so that the fifth can accept the Wayshowers who will guide the souls trapped between worlds to a new universe.

It is upon this path we are now asking you to walk. We have lived in duality, and polarity and in conflict through time and now we are awakening to oneness in the fifth dimension. The elusive fourth dimensional veil is becoming transparent as the illusions of the duality of existences are being allowed to dissipate under the truth of universal connection. The hierarchies of forth dimension archetypes who have for millennium provided a Piscean cinema, pageantry and glamour now fade as the reality of the fascination with illusion becomes an unnecessary component of this dimension, of this time, of this place, of this construct. So as you hear minds weave through the landscape of the dimensions and whereas the entry into higher dimensions are connected to the fundamental underpinning of the preceding, there is a captive audience which is always at the mercy or under the spell of the higher. In a positive manner there is always the event of ascension and completion of a cycle of experience wherein the inhabitants of the preceding are brought to consciousness of the higher in will and power. Those who have walked the long path from the initial stages of the single cell to the multiplicity of the grand design, the binding force of love commands all levels through infinite wisdom.

There are levels of awareness which you have come upon. Knowledge of the fifth dimension brings you to the completion of the cycle where universal love and oneness are found in the ever present light. Here there is abundance, so now we turn back to practical matters of opening the vortex into the fifth dimension. The plan is to bring together those who have contracted with each other to bring the world to global economic prosperity. It is their single will, purpose and duty to teach, share and give their hearts, minds and souls to the effort to communicate and live the truth of the fifth dimension. The truth is that there is more than enough for everyone, in the world, in the physical form to live in a perfect world. The truth is that the mind creates matter and love creates mind. From the elements, first there is space then there is air, then there is fire then there is water and then there is earth. This means that universal ether, cosmic-wide, becomes space wherein the mind or air becomes energized by fire and turns into emotional power of water and solidifies into matter or earth. The process begins with universal infinite potentials understood as waves of cosmic probabilities that in their process becomes solidified into single particles or events frozen in time and space and locked into consciousness. Yet it goes deeper and deeper until there is nothing again where the macrocosm becomes the microcosm which infinitely disseminates into smaller and smaller universes which become a circular image of the creation from which it has sprung.

There is a way for you to step in the light. See the truth and find the way through the doorway. You are becoming enlightened! This is the path of the next age where you are closer and closer to oneness. It is evident that you are not within your connected self which is why you are brought here to communicate and open to the group energy of this place. From this time forward you are allowed keys and information that will help you to find the reality wherein you will be empowered. The game you are playing in the third dimension is of light and dark and is transacted on the fourth dimensional playground. The players are taught to you in this manner where they are the Teachers of Light and the Dark Masters of the black. From here you will begin to learn what you are to do. It is to revive your sense of oneness with the other players. It is to provide abundance of wealth, health and knowledge to all who play so they may remember who they are and release themselves from the game.

First we play by moving from one reality to another in order to break you out of the spell of believing in limitations of a single viewpoint. No longer are you working with one reality but now you are working with many realities. This multiplication of realities is the first step into unification. You are becoming timeless, and placeless, and understanding the now. The game vacillates between the dream and the reality, between the practical and the mystical from the normal and the other side. The dislocation you feel is quite natural as you look at the facts as presented from a multiplicity of viewpoints and from this vicarious standpoint none of them affect you to any degree as you are aware these are only partial realities.

As wayshowers you are asked to be of great service to those who are learning how to play. You are being asked to help in teaching and guiding the followers to learn that they can win. They can win by simply through the process of Oneness. In Oneness there is complete sharing. One by one each of the followers will awaken and see how to win the game by becoming completely free of fear.

Let us start again and understand one of the fundamental aspects of the game wherein in there is a great difficulty in releasing energy. It is in the level of currency or money. Call it currency as it is like a current or an energy stream. It is here that you have lost understanding of communication in enjoying the bounty the world has to offer you. Those who seem to have the most money are asked to release this energy and allow it to pass through them as channels in calling forth the initiator this initiator is one of great substance and is of great power yet there is a dark shadow upon this being, the initiator whomever it is will find that the challenge to release the economic power into a synergistic creative organism where the control this individual exerts is let go, is a great test and challenge. The initiator must be willing to let go.

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