Latest Labour call for ceasefire leaves Starmer’s authority in ruins!

7 months ago

Keir Starmer's position of unapologetic support for Israel is untenable as Labour Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has proven.
Right, so in order to diffuse conflict, the obvious thing to all of our minds surely is to get people from both sides around a table, get conversations and negotiations happening, laying weapons down so these things can happen along with humanitarian aid getting through surely should be the obvious here, this all begins with a ceasefire, the killing has to stop so the conflict, in its current terms at least as regards Israel and Palestine can begin. Isn’t it amazing how many world leaders aren’t saying this though? The US are on Israel’s side, Biden hugging Netanyahu, Sunak saying we want you to win to Netanyahu, incredibly stupid man, Macron in France banning protests in favour of Palestine, which I’m sure only drove more of the French out to protest and of course Keir Starmer flatly ruling out calling for a ceasefire, apparently because he’s waiting for the US to do so first, meanwhile of course, he’s still not apologising for actually giving the nod to Israel to commit war crimes. There are other parties here making the right call though. The SNP want a ceasefire, The Green Party want a ceasefire, Plaid Cymru want a ceasefire and now dissent in the Labour ranks is shattering Starmer’s authority on this topic, unmovable as he is, others are speaking out and the latest might be the most damaging of all, as London Mayor Sadiq Khan has formally called for a ceasefire too.
Right, so calls for a ceasefire, it’s the common sense approach here surely? It’s where we start can we all agree on that? Stop any more people being killed. Yes there is a poor track record of Israel listening to such things, but its all on them if they break such terms and with the world, and more importantly social media putting them under the microscope right now, holding them to account for their actions of the last 75 years ongoing finally, they won’t get away with the usual media damage limitation that generally does the trick for them. Of course political leaders siding with them constantly helps too, but again, their messaging is falling on deaf ears as the truth comes out regardless and one of those suffering more than most due to his acquiescence to the apartheid state of Israel is that Zionist without qualification Keir Starmer, who’s diktat over Israel, who’s dishonesty over his comments, blatantly lying as he denies advocating for Israel to commit war crimes, we all heard him say it on LBC, and 29 Labour councillors quitting the party as a direct result of that comment and the refusal to retract it and apologise for it since, now confirming he will not apologise at all, ruled it out he has, the arrogant swine. But the cracks are showing, not just at local level, but at national level too.

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