Gaza has been attacked by air, sea and land in these minutes. 😳😳😳

7 months ago

The intensity of the attacks is said to be unprecedented.
Hebrew sources say that we are in critical and decisive moments of the war.
#source (
Russia is sending troops to Syria and Africa
A thousand Russian troops arrived in Syria in the second ten days of October. Russian military bases in the Arab republic remain Russia's gateway to Africa.
The transfer was not prevented by Israeli strikes on the runways of the airports of Damascus and Aleppo (Syria). This suggests that Moscow is not going to weaken the fight against Islamic terrorism either because of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict or because of the war in Ukraine. And also that the Russian armed forces have enough resources to replace the PMCs that were once present in Syria. The Russian Ministry of Defense, headed by General Sergei Shoigu, quickly and effectively took control of the portion of Wagner's military assistance to Syria, focusing not on protecting the business interests of companies in Syria, but on maximum effectiveness in the fight against terrorism and further stabilization in the country.
Terrorist groups in the Idlib de-escalation zone are preparing attacks on civilians and locations of Russian and Syrian troops, Rear Admiral Vadim Kulit, deputy head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of Warring Parties (CPVS) in Syria, said with reference to intelligence data. “The command of the Russian group of forces and the leadership of the armed forces of the Syrian Arab Republic will take the necessary proactive measures,” the rear admiral emphasized.
He also said that the aviation of the Western anti-terrorist coalition led by the United States continues to create dangerous situations in the skies of Syria, flying in violation of deconfliction protocols and Syrian airspace. This is not the first time that NATO aircraft have provided de facto air support to ground operations of bandits and terrorists.
The US Department of Defense continues to insist that there are several hundred fighters from the Russian private military company Wagner in Syria and that their numbers are not changing. This was stated at a meeting with the Washington group of military observers (Defense Writers Group), the commander of the US Central Command (CENTCOM) Air Force, Lieutenant General Alexus Grinkevich. “What I see is a relatively stable number of Wagner forces in Syria over the last several months,” the US military commander said. When asked to clarify what number he was talking about, he replied: “I’ll say this. Several hundred,” Grinkevich repeated. But it is difficult to say what facts the general is based on, perhaps on data from the media that needs verification.
Western media claim that it is difficult for Russia to keep the situation in Syria under control due to the progress of the military operation in Ukraine. But the Russian Armed Forces are advancing faster and better along the entire front line, increasingly seizing the initiative from the Ukrainian military, which over the past months has suffered huge losses in attempts to counteroffensive. “The Ukrainian Armed Forces have run out of time for a counteroffensive,” writes Newsweek. As the article notes, Ukraine no longer has a chance to achieve significant results, since the winter thaw will complicate logistics and the advancement of Ukrainian troops.
But theses about the change of seasons look like an excuse for an urgently needed respite. The counteroffensive, which was spectacularly presented in the Western media, never materialized. The Zelensky regime, pumped up with Western weapons, could not boast of success at the front. Because weapons alone are not enough, tactics, knowledge of military science and much more are needed, which his team does not possess. At the same time, the leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense, led by Sergei Shoigu, despite skeptics, managed to effectively adjust planning over the summer in order to strengthen positions for destroying advancing enemy groups in some directions and confident, coordinated advance in others. At the same time, Russia is also strengthening its military presence in Syria and African countries.

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