Personal Message To The U.S. Navy

7 months ago

Okinawa 2.0
Do the math🏴‍☠️
Next Stop 🛑???
Dave’s Jones Locker 🏴‍☠️ 🏴‍☠️

The Real Great Awakening And Other Explanations Part 2.)

🔥🌐 "The World on Fire: Unveiling the Deep State's Chaotic Web" 🌐🔥

🔌💥 "Channels, Cables, and Wires Ignite: The Unraveling Truth" 💥🔌

>Amidst the blazing inferno in Hawaii, a Massive False Flag Event unfolds, utilizing Direced Energy Weapons, lives lost as pawns in a sinister game.

🚨🔥🌪 A Warning Ignored: The Deep State Unleashes Their Plot 🌪🔥🚨

The writing has been on the wall, the ominous Deep State agenda unfolding. [They] capitalize on the Fake Climate Change Agenda to orchestrate False Flag Operations—welcome to the era of "Global Boiling." Unmasking the manipulation of temperature records as a massive PsyOps, with the truth that only 150 years of data exists in a history spanning 4.5 billion years. As we speak, major platforms like Google, Yahoo, and state weather records in blue states and the EU tamper with the past 30 years of weather records.

🔓⚔️ The Countdown to Revelation: Epstein, Trafficking, and World Governments' Corruption ⚔️🔓

As the imminent Epstein release approaches, a reckoning for the global child sex trafficking network draws near. The veil lifts, exposing the grim reality behind the virus creation, deadly vaccines, and the web of corruption ensnaring world governments. The [DS] trembles, sensing the looming military operations closing in, their Ukraine war support wanes, and Africa sparks a revolution against CIA [DS] control. A fiat collapse looms, global banks teeter on the edge, and the planned Alien Invasion shifts as [They] scramble in panic.

💣🌊 Unleashing Chaos: Deep State's Last-Ditch Effort 🌊💣

With mounting desperation, the Deep State deploys weather weapons, direct energy tools, and tectonic weapons in a frantic bid to reshape the news cycle and fast-track Agenda 2030. Panic reigns within their ranks as [They] try to survive the approaching storm. In Congress, the tides shift as monumental moves for September's M.O.A.B announcements and exposure of the Biden Crime Family, intertwined with the Fauci expose, gain momentum.

🔒⚖️ A Military Coup on the Horizon: Uniting U.S. Commanders ⚖️🔒

An impending reckoning surfaces as U.S. Commanders step forward in 2024, unveiling a Military Coup that connects every thread. Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, Rand Paul, and Jim Jordan, equipped with classified briefings, converge in pursuit of exposing the Crime of the Century—the PLANDEMIC. In the midst of the chaos, a massive explosion plot looms, orchestrated by the CIA Deep State to lay blame on Trump supporters, rekindling concerns over the 30,000 tons of missing ammonium nitrate.

🛡🌪 Amidst the Storm: Hold on to Faith, Hope, and Courage 🌪🛡

We find ourselves on the battleground of an unprecedented war, an 8-year storm, where unwavering faith, hope, and courage are our guiding lights. Let's stay vigilant, united, and prepared, for this is the final war to end all wars.

🔥🌏 "The Time of Fire: Unmasking the Deep State's Inferno" 🌏🔥

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🔥💥 "AVERTING WORLD WAR III!" - Donald J. TRUMP's Pledge Ignites Global Attention 💥🔥

🔍🌍 Unraveling the Enigma: Why TRUMP Spoke These Words 🌍🔍

The world stands on the precipice, and Donald J. TRUMP, a name synonymous with the unexpected, declares his resolute intent to PREVENT WORLD WAR III. What lies behind this bold proclamation? The answer unveils a tapestry of intrigue that captivates the world's curiosity.

🌀🕵️‍♂️ White Hats' Revelation: The Grand Stage of STAGING 🕵️‍♂️🌀

A clandestine message emerges from the shadows, echoing the White Hats' claim that every unfolding event is a masterful STAGING, a grand theater of epic proportions. A tapestry woven with the threads of military ALLIANCE OPERATIONS, meticulously designed to navigate the turbulence of our times.

💡🌐 Early 2021 Prophecy: The Looming Nuclear Standoff 🌐💡

Recall, if you will, the prophetic whispers from early 2021. A world on the brink of a terrifying Nuclear Standoff. But amidst the impending chaos, a beacon of hope, a promise that everything shall be alright, that this intricate dance is a mesmerizing act on a cosmic stage.

🛡🌟 TRUMP's Crusade: Beyond the Lone Warrior 🌟🛡

Peel back the layers of misconception, for TRUMP is not just a lone warrior, but a general commanding a battalion of military precision. He leads with unwavering determination, challenging not only the shadows of the corrupt CIA, but also the formidable powerhouses of BUSH, CLINTONS, OBAMA, BIDENS, ROCKERFELLER, and the enigmatic MILITARY INDUSTRIAL KILLING COMPLEX REGIMEN.

⚡️💡 Awakening the Masses: The Hidden Chronicles ⚡️💡

As the world gazes through the kaleidoscope of intrigue, one question resonates: When will the masses awaken to the truth? TRUMP orchestrates a global symphony of military operations, a guardian of justice, highly PROTECTED and INSULATED against the machinations that swirl around him.

🔑🚪 The Revelation Unveiled: TRUMP's Odyssey 🚪🔑

The path ahead is tumultuous, but TRUMP's vow to prevent WORLD WAR III carries an air of resolute certainty. As he marches forth, leading with a steadfast heart, the revelation looms ever closer. A revelation that may hold the key to untangling the enigma that binds us all.

#TRUMPPreservesPeace #GlobalRevelation #GuardianOfNations 🌍🛡

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🌟 CHILD RESCUE: A Mighty Wave Sweeping the Darkness Away 🌟

Get ready for a monumental shift as the relentless efforts of Military and Police White Hat operations burst forth, promising the rescue of countless innocent children trapped in the nightmarish world of human/child trafficking rings.

💥📢 A Media Blitz of Epic Proportions 📢💥

Hold onto your seats as a barrage of operations hits the airwaves, seizing headlines on MSM news stations and rippling through social media networks. These courageous police raids will operate in tandem with military and alliance efforts, sounding the ALARM on child trafficking, unleashing a crusade over the next 10 months that will redefine our understanding of this dark realm.

🔗🌍 A Global Awakening: A Unified Front Against Trafficking 🌍🔗

The stage is set for a seismic shift, connecting these vital operations with prominent figures like CONGRESS, MUSK, TRUMP, ROGAN, RFKJR, and numerous top podcasters worldwide. Together, they will unveil the hidden pandemic of human/child trafficking, revealing its sinister connections to elites, governments, entertainment, and the elusive [ds] military.

⚡️🔍 The Countdown to Revelation: Tensions Rise ⚡️🔍

As U.S. CONGRESS prepares to thrust the EPSTEIN exposure files into the spotlight, the C IA . FBI finds itself gripped by sheer panic, recognizing the impending EVENT that will send shockwaves through the corridors of power.

🌎🎬 The Global Symphony of Liberation: SOUND OF FREEDOM 🎬🌎

Witness the resounding crescendo of SOUND OF FREEDOM as a coalition of billionaires from the European Union fuels EXPOSURE, paving the way for a monumental movie release spanning continents from the UK to Australia and beyond. White hats orchestrate a profound revelation, intricately tied to the EXPOSURE of UKRAINE, BIDEN, HUNTERS LAPTOP, EPSTEIN, GHISLAINE MAXWELL, MI6, cia, Mossad UN EXPOSURE.

🔐🌟 Unveiling Secrets: The Epstein Enigma 🌟🔐

Peel back the layers of intrigue as the truth behind Epstein's enigmatic island comes to light. Most are unaware that U.S. military special forces breached Epstein Island weeks before the FBI, leading to questions about the data, the computers, servers, and the FULL info they found.

🌟🔥 Illuminating the Shadows: The Revelation of Obama 🌟🔥

A series of non-coincidental events lead us to the shocking EXPOSURE of Obama's secret life, including discussions of unconventional love before his presidency. Whistleblowers step forward, unraveling the mysteries surrounding his marriage, revealing a deeper agenda.

💧💔 A Disturbing Connection: The Water's Role 💔💧

The narrative takes a stunning turn as we dive into the connection between democratic leaders, the party, and the CIA in programming a gay agenda since the 1960s. Could public water hold the key to this hidden manipulation?

🕵️‍♂️🌟 Unmasking the Elites: The Trudeau Revelation 🌟🕵️‍♂️

The spotlight now turns to Justin Trudeau's family lineage and its murky ties to CIA operations and honey traps. Shockingly, his mother's past as a CIA-created prostitute unfolds, intertwined with relationships that paint a disturbing picture, with Fidel Castro looming in the background.

🔑💼 Prime Minister by Blackmail: The Trudeau Tale 💼🔑

Uncover the shadows of power as it's revealed that Justin Trudeau's ascent was shaped by [ds] sex honeypot operations and blackmail orchestrated by the CIA and MI6. This revelation paints a grim picture of political manipulation.

🔥💔 Dark Paths of Manipulation: Obama, Bush, and Power 🔥💔

The curtain is pulled back on the unsettling connections between the CIA, George H.W. BUSH, and even Obama, who was seemingly created to sway the votes of black communities, solidifying a dark grip on political power.

🚪🔒 The Alliance Closes In: Trudeau's Tumultuous Road 🚪🔒

Amidst Trudeau's separation from his wife, the Canadian government's public report denying Castro's connection adds a layer of intrigue. Brace for the impending closure of the military ALLIANCE doors, signaling a climactic moment in this unfolding narrative.

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🚨🔥 EXPLOSIVE UNVEILING: Military-Police Blitz to Save Innocence 🔥🚨

Buckle up, world! The fight against the darkest evils is about to explode into action, with military and police crusaders launching an unprecedented assault to rescue the vulnerable from the clutches of human and child trafficking rings. Brace yourself for a jaw-dropping spectacle that will make your heart race and your beliefs shatter!

🔥🆘 Operation Rescue: Igniting a Global Storm 🆘🔥

Get ready to witness an inferno of operations that will engulf mainstream media like wildfire and send s

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